A crazy idea that just came up in IRC is to have certain cells function as entrances and exits to other sub-worlds. e.g. there could be caves, buildings, ... This seems like it would be fun and could be an easy way to add new stuff to the world without taking up a ton of space.
Concretely I don't think this would be all that hard to add (famous last words, right?). A meta-world will now consist of a collection of worlds, each with an integer ID. A location now consists of a pair of (world id, coordinates). An entrance to another area just stores the location that it links to.
A larger project, more suitable for experienced contributors.An issue having to do with game design.An issue having to do with world design, world generation, etc.The bug fix or feature would be nice but doesn't currently have much negative impact.Involves the challenge scenarios - shorter games with objectives.A new feature to be added to the game.