Given the name of a restaurant/cafe/pub, find out locations and a (user) rating.
Nice to have:
- Timings
- Average bill for 2
- Suggest location nearest to my current location
- Specify cuisine
- Suggest 5 nearest restaurants based on my preference (eg: Veg, pizza, burger, italian, etc)
Sample queries:
- How is the food at Starbucks?
- Does Starbucks have good food?
- Is Starbucks a good place to eat?
- I'm hungry. Where's the nearest Starbucks?
- I'm craving for some good food. How's Starbucks?
- Do you know if Starbucks has good coffee?
- Does Starbucks have cheap food?
- What is the food rating for Starbucks.
- I want to eat at Starbucks. Will it be open?