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🎉 A Vue.js 3 UI Library made by Element team
♋ Interactive Particle / Nest System With JavaScript and Canvas, no jQuery.
interview_reference 前端面试刷题必备,阮一峰ES6教程、JavaScript笔记、html、css、JavaScript、Vue、React、算法、前端日记Blog
React v18 + TypeScript + Vite v5 + React Router v6 + Redux Toolkit + Antd v5
Chrome Extension (MV3) Boilerplate with React18 & TypeScript & Vite & NextUI
一款在线的网页版云音乐。前端采用 React18 和 Vite 构建,后端使用开源项目 NeteaseCloudMusicApi 接口。
Nest + cors + mysql2 + typeorm + jsonwebtoken 的仿小米官网的服务端
React18 + Next13 + TypeScript 的仿小米官网的Demo。
🚀⚡⚡👽 React boilerplate for starter with React.v18, Tailwind CSS v3.3.3, Material-UI and Typescript. ⚡ Made with developer experience first: Vite + React + Typescript + Eslint + Prettier + Husky + L…
前端面试 前端知识点 面试题大全 js vue react node git element typescript ts next 支付 微信公众平台 每日持续更新 前端周刊 vue3 react18 vite redux 前端
基于react18, antd5开发的gbeata-admin 后台管理系统,gbeata组件库
React18 + Vite + TS 学习项目
react18 + ts + mobx6 + antd5 + vite4 中台模板
Starter using Vite + React + TypeScript + Tailwind CSS. And already set up Firebase(v9), Prettier and ESLint.
"Zero" Api / Type Safe / Fullstack Kit / Powerful Backend
🍺 Scaffolding your Chrome extension! Boilerplates: react \ vue \ svelte \ solid \ preact \ alpine \ lit \ stencil \ inferno \ vanilla
A Modern React Admin Template. It is based on React 18, Vite and TypeScript. It's fast !
This is a boilerplate build with Vite, React 18, TypeScript, Vitest, Testing Library, TailwindCSS 3, Eslint and Prettier.
使用 ant-design react react-hook ts 开发的类 ant-design-pro 管理后台,具有完整的权限系统和配套的node + ts 的 api