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[CppRest] file properties of models not generated as shared_ptr<> #7052




After a long time using my original version of the cpprest generator, I decided to migrate finally to the official swagger-codegen version. We are using a somehow non-open-api-standard compliant feature: having files as model properties. This used to work in my original codebase but seemed to be broken since issue #3773 was fixed. Instead of generating:

std::shared_ptr<HttpContent> getFile();
    void setFile(std::shared_ptr<HttpContent> value);

...the following source is generated:

HttpContent getFile();
    void setFile(HttpContent value);

This in advance leads to errors when serializing/deserializing as the ModelBase only provides overloads for the shared_ptr.

Swagger-codegen version


Swagger declaration file content or url

Command line used for generation
java -cp "swagger-codegen-cli.jar" io.swagger.codegen.SwaggerCodegen generate^
        -l cpprest^
        -i "SwaggerSpec.json"^
        -o "Generated"^
        -c "config.json"
Steps to reproduce
  1. Take given swagger specification and generate a cpprest client
  2. Inspect the MyFileViewModel.cpp and notice the non-shared_ptr file property.
  3. Compile the sources and there will be compilation errors for MyFileViewModel::fromJson as it cannot call setFile(HttpContent) with a shared_ptr<HttpContent> parameter.
  4. Also a compile error on MyFileViewModel::toMultipart is shown as there is no ModelBase::toHttpContent(utility::string_t, HttpContent) overload. It needs a shared_ptr<HttpContent> as second parameter.
Related issues/PRs


Suggest a fix/enhancement

I expect that removing p instanceof FileProperty from the code follow source line will fix the issue by bringing back the shared_ptr<HttpContent>. Maybe @sdrichter can point out why it was added in a first place. His issue mentions something that there were issues on APIs which return a file object.

|| p instanceof DateTimeProperty || p instanceof FileProperty



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