Description: A micro service for controlling ATEM video switchers.
- Technology stack: Python, hmux
- Status: Production
- Depends on python 2.7
- It uses the hmux messaging protocol.
- Needs daemonctl to run.
Place folder in /usr/local/scripts and run:
- daemonctl enable atemgateway
- daemonctl start atemgateway
Place config in /usr/local/etc/atemgateway.conf
Example config:
server = atem1.local
hmuxport = 12345 # Port to listen on
statusdest = VideoMixer # Destination in hmux
Connect to the hmux port and send commands enclosed in \x01 and \x00 Arguments are seperated with ":"
- HB - Program out
- BS - Over shoulder out
- CUE:dest:source - Set preview source
- TAKE:dest:source:mixtime:mix - Mix/Cut/Wipe a source to destination
- KEY:me:keyer:enable - Enable or disable upstream key
- DSK:keyer:enable - Enable or disable downstream key
- DSKSOURCES:keyer:fill source:key source - Set fill and key sources for dsk
- DSKLUMA:keyer:premultiply:clip:gsin:invert - Set Luma setting for DSK
- VOLUME:source:volume - Set audio volume for a source
- MASTERVOLUME:volume - Set master audio volume
- MOVEVOLUME:source:volume:frames - Move volume to position taking frames time
Ex, Mix source 1 to HB (pgm out) using 12 frames:
Every atem firmware works different, all firmwares might not be compatible
If you have questions, concerns, bug reports, etc, please file an issue in this repository's Issue Tracker.
Feature request with documentation, fixes, new features and general beutification is welcome.
Copyright: SVT 2018 GNU General Public License version 3 LICENSE
Protocol documentation found at:
Videomodes taken from libqatemcontrol