Downtown Visions is a non profit orgnaization which works towards the wilmington downtown development. They threw in an open data challenge to help improve their website to make it useful to funnel more businesses to downtown wilmington.
- Open Data - First Map: A Resource for the Maps and cartographic data to analyze data points
- Open Data Network: A resource for the open data available for wilmington
- Census Bureau: Valuable data insights and maps data KML files
- City of Wilmington Rich data sets for business locally and demographicc and other data.
- Cyotek: A tool to download entire websites offline.
- Adobe Illustrator: A tool to design vector graphics used by our team for the infographics.
- Brackets: A tool to perform web design and development
If you have ideas for improvements that can be made to project currently in the repo, please feel free to create a new issue for discussion or send a pull request upstream.
Downtown Visions was made with love by these people and a bunch of awesome contributors.