Table of Contents | Getting Started | Customisation | How To | Examples | Under The Hood | Contributing
Hint: Inspired by the amazing goreleaser
is written in PHP.
- Docker (v17.03+)
Clone yay
from source into any directory:
$ git clone
$ cd yay
Install the build and application dependencies:
$ make install
A good way of making sure everything is all right is running the test suite:
$ make test
Run the application with make start
. The application will then respond to request at http://localhost:50080
$ make start
# ...
# http://localhost:50080
To see all provided commands run make
and a list of available targets is rendered.
$ make
# start Start the application
# stop Stop the application
# restart Restart the application
# build Build the application including development environment
# clean Cleans cache files, logs
# cleanall Cleans containers, images and project files including caches, logs
# install Install and build the application including development environment
# test Run application tests
# test-coverage Run application tests and generate code coverage
# qa Run static code analysis
# default-publish Publish demo docker image to sveneisenschmidt/yay
# enable-demo Enable demo integration
# disable-demo Remove demo integration
# enable-github Disable github integration
# disable-github Disable github integration
# demo-publish Publish demo docker image to sveneisenschmidt/yay-demo
# watch-logs Watch all log files
# watch-redis Watch all redis queries
You can create a branch for your changes and try to build from the source as you go:
$ make build
When you are satisfied with the changes, we suggest you run:
$ make test-coverage // Run tests and checks code coverage
$ make qa // Run static code analysis and checks for violations
Which runs all the tests.
Commit messages should be well formatted.
Start your commit message with the type. Choose one of the following:
, fix
, docs
, style
, refactor
, perf
, test
, chore
, revert
, add
, remove
, move
, bump
, update
, release
After a colon, you should give the message a title, starting with uppercase and ending without a dot. Keep the width of the text at 72 chars. The title must be followed with a newline, then a more detailed description.
Please reference any GitHub issues on the last line of the commit message (e.g. See #123
, Closes #123
, Fixes #123
An example:
docs: Improve documentation
[x] Restructure documentation
[x] Add developer documentation #26
[x] Add command documentation #104
[ ] Add custom documentation for API endpoints, filters, pagination and ordering
Closes #133
Push your branch to your yay
fork and open a pull request against the
master branch.