A BBS++ signature pure go implementation refer to hyperledger/ursa (Rust) and heyperledger/aries-framework-go (Without Blind sign).
BBS+ supports two types of public keys. One that is created as described in the paper where the message specific generators are randomly generated and a deterministic version that looks like a BLS public key and whose message specific generators are computed using IETF's Hash to Curve algorithm which is also constant time combined with known inputs.
pub, priv, err := bbs.GenerateKeyPair(sha256.New, nil)
if err != nil {
Signing can be done where the signer knows all the messages or where the signature recipient commits to some messages beforehand and the signer completes the signature with the remaining messages.
To create a signature:
_, priv, _ := bbs.GenerateKeyPair(sha256.New, nil)
bbsInstance := bbs.NewBbs()
signature, err := bbsInstance.SignWithKey([][]byte{message}, priv)
require.NoError(t, err)
Blinding signing needs Issuer and Holder exchange Nonce
and BlindSignatureContext
Step 1. Issuer create a Nonce
and send to Holder
Step 2. Holder recived Nonce
, use it to create a BlindSignatureContext
and a BlindingFactory
. Keep BlindingFactory
and send BlindSignatureContext
to Issuer.
// holder pre blind secret
secretMsgs := make(map[int][]byte, 0)
secretMsgs[0] = []byte("identity")
secretMsgs[2] = []byte("password")
secretMsgs[4] = []byte("phone number")
ctx, blinding, err := NewBlindSignatureContext(secretMsgs, generators, nonce)
require.NoError(t, err)
Note: generator
can generated from Holder's PublicKey, the messageCount
is sum of all messages (secret message number + revealed message number):
generators, err := pub.ToPublicKeyWithGenerators(messageCount)
require.NoError(t, err)
Step 3. Issuer recived BlindSignatureContext
and revealed messages, verify secret commitment in BlindSignatureContext
and create a Blind Signature.
// signer use known message with index to create blinding signature
revealedMsg := make(map[int][]byte, 0)
revealedMsg[1] = []byte("firstname")
revealedMsg[3] = []byte("age")
blindSig, err := ctx.ToBlindSignature(revealedMsg, priv, generators, nonce)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, blindSig)
Step 4. Holder recived blind signature
, convert it to signature
with blindingFactory
// holder convert blinding signature to signature
sig := blindSig.ToUnblinded((*SignatureBliding)(blinding))
require.NotNil(t, sig)
Step 5. Finally, Holder can verify signature with all Messages:
// verifier verify signature
allMsg := make([]*SignatureMessage, 5)
allMsg[0] = ParseSignatureMessage([]byte("identity"))
allMsg[1] = ParseSignatureMessage([]byte("firstname"))
allMsg[2] = ParseSignatureMessage([]byte("password"))
allMsg[3] = ParseSignatureMessage([]byte("age"))
allMsg[4] = ParseSignatureMessage([]byte("phone number"))
err = sig.Verify(allMsg, generators)
require.NoError(t, err)
At this time, blinding signature is end and some secret message was not known to Issuer.
Now you can use signature
to create SelectiveDisclosure
with DeriveProof
DeriveProof derives a proof of BBS+ signature with some messages disclosed.
allMsg := make([]*SignatureMessage, 5)
allMsg[0] = ParseSignatureMessage([]byte("identity"))
allMsg[1] = ParseSignatureMessage([]byte("firstname"))
allMsg[2] = ParseSignatureMessage([]byte("password"))
allMsg[3] = ParseSignatureMessage([]byte("age"))
allMsg[4] = ParseSignatureMessage([]byte("phone number"))
revealedIndexes := []int{
proof,err := bbsInstance.DeriveProof(allMsg, signature, nonce, pubkey, revealedIndexes)
VerifyProof verifies BBS+ signature proof for one or more revealed messages.
err := bbsInstance.VerifyProof(messagesBytes, proof, nonce, pubKeyBytes)