Games are represented as a tree of moves. Each GameNode can have extra information such as comments. The root node of a game (Game extends GameNode) also holds general information, such as game headers.
.. autoclass:: chess.pgn.Game :members: .. py:attribute:: headers A `collections.OrderedDict()` of game headers.
.. autoclass:: chess.pgn.GameNode :members: .. py:attribute:: parent The parent node or `None` if this is the root node of the game. .. py:attribute:: move The move leading to this node or `None` if this is the root node of the game. .. py:attribute:: nags :annotation: = set() A set of NAGs as integers. NAGs always go behind a move, so the root node of the game can have none. .. py:attribute:: comment :annotation: = '' A comment that goes behind the move leading to this node. The root node of the game can have no comment. .. py:attribute:: starting_comment :annotation: = '' A comment for the start of a variation or the game. Only nodes that actually start a variation (`starts_variation()`) and the game itself can have a starting comment. .. py:attribute:: variations A list of child nodes.
.. autofunction:: chess.pgn.read_game
.. autofunction:: chess.pgn.scan_offsets
If you want to export your game game with all headers, comments and variations you can use:
>>> print(game)
[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "?"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "*"]
1. e4 e5 { Comment } *
Remember that games in files should be separated with extra blank lines.
>>> print(game, file=handle, end="\n\n")
Use exporter objects if you need more control. Exporter objects are used to allow extensible formatting of PGN like data.
.. autoclass:: chess.pgn.StringExporter :members:
.. autoclass:: chess.pgn.FileExporter :members:
Numeric anotation glyphs describe moves and positions using standardized codes that are understood by many chess programs. During PGN parsing, annotations like !, ?, !!, etc. are also converted to NAGs.
.. py:data:: NAG_NULL :annotation: = 0
.. py:data:: NAG_GOOD_MOVE :annotation: = 1 A good move. Can also be indicated by `!` in PGN notation.
.. py:data:: NAG_MISTAKE :annotation: = 2 A mistake. Can also be indicated by `?` in PGN notation.
.. py:data:: NAG_BRILLIANT_MOVE :annotation: = 3 A brilliant move. Can also be indicated by `!!` in PGN notation.
.. py:data:: NAG_BLUNDER :annotation: = 4 A blunder. Can also be indicated by `??` in PGN notation.
.. py:data:: NAG_SPECULATIVE_MOVE :annotation: = 5 A speculative move. Can also be indicated by `!?` in PGN notation.
.. py:data:: NAG_DUBIOUS_MOVE :annotation: = 6 A dubious move. Can also be indicated by `?!` in PGN notation.