This is the scholars mate in python-chess:
>>> import chess
>>> board = chess.Bitboard()
>>> board.push_san("e4")
>>> board.push_san("e5")
>>> board.push_san("Qh5")
>>> board.push_san("Nc6")
>>> board.push_san("Bc4")
>>> board.push_san("Nf6")
>>> board.push_san("Qxf7")
>>> board.is_checkmate()
Supports Python 2.7 and Python 3.
Legal move generator and move validation. This includes all castling rules and en-passant captures.
>>> chess.Move.from_uci("a8a1") in board.legal_moves False
Make and unmake moves.
>>> Qf7 = board.pop() # Unmake last move (Qf7#) >>> Qf7 Move.from_uci('h5f7') >>> board.push(Qf7) # Restore
Detects checkmates, stalemates and draws by insufficient material. Has a half-move clock.
>>> board.is_stalemate() False >>> board.is_insufficient_material() False >>> board.is_game_over() True >>> board.halfmove_clock 0
Detects checks and attacks.
>>> board.is_check() True >>> board.is_attacked_by(chess.WHITE, chess.E8) True >>> attackers = board.attackers(chess.WHITE, chess.F3) >>> attackers SquareSet(0b100000001000000) >>> chess.G2 in attackers True
Parses and creates SAN representation of moves.
>>> board = chess.Bitboard() >>> board.san(chess.Move(chess.E2, chess.E4)) 'e4'
Parses and creates FENs.
>>> board.fen() 'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1' >>> board = chess.Bitboard("8/8/8/2k5/4K3/8/8/8 w - - 4 45") >>> board.piece_at(chess.C5) Piece.from_symbol('k')
Parses and creates EPDs.
>>> board = chess.Bitboard() >>> board.epd(bm=chess.Move.from_uci("d2d4")) 'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - bm d4;' >>> ops = board.set_epd("1k1r4/pp1b1R2/3q2pp/4p3/2B5/4Q3/PPP2B2/2K5 b - - bm Qd1+; id \"BK.01\";") >>> ops == {'bm': chess.Move.from_uci('d6d1'), 'id': 'BK.01'} True
Read Polyglot opening books.
>>> import chess.polyglot >>> book = chess.polyglot.open_reader("data/opening-books/performance.bin") >>> board = chess.Bitboard() >>> first_entry = next(book.get_entries_for_position(board)) >>> first_entry.move() Move.from_uci('e2e4') >>> first_entry.learn 0 >>> first_entry.weight 1 >>> book.close()
Read and write PGNs. Supports headers, comments, NAGs and a tree of variations.
>>> import chess.pgn >>> from __future__ import print_function # Python 2 compability for >>> # this example. >>> pgn = open("data/games/molinari-bordais-1979.pgn") >>> first_game = chess.pgn.read_game(pgn) >>> pgn.close() >>> first_game.headers["White"] 'Molinari' >>> first_game.headers["Black"] 'Bordais' >>> # Iterate through the mainline of this embarrasingly short game. >>> node = first_game >>> while node.variations: ... next_node = node.variation(0) ... print(node.board().san(next_node.move)) ... node = next_node e4 c5 c4 Nc6 Ne2 Nf6 Nbc3 Nb4 g3 Nd3# >>> first_game.headers["Result"] '0-1'
python-chess is not intended to be used by serious chess engines where performance is critical. The goal is rather to create a simple and relatively highlevel library.
However, even though bit fiddling in Python is not as fast as in C or C++, the current version is still much faster than previous attempts including the naive x88 move generation from libchess.
With pip:
sudo pip install python-chess
From current source code:
python build sudo python install
python-chess is licensed under the GPL3. See the LICENSE file for the full copyright and license information.
Thanks to the developers of Some of the core bitboard move generation parts are ported from there.