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中文增速榜 > 软件类 > Vim script

数据更新: 2022-03-04   /   温馨提示:中文项目泛指「文档母语为中文」OR「含有中文翻译」的项目,通常在项目的「readme/wiki/官网」可以找到

# Repository Description Stars Average daily growth Updated
1 SpaceVim/SpaceVim A community-driven modular vim/neovim distribution - The ultimate vimrc 17884 9 2022-03-03
2 vimwiki/vimwiki Personal Wiki for Vim 7116 2 2022-02-16
3 wklken/k-vim vim配置 4848 2 2022-02-21
4 mashirozx/Pixiv-Nginx P站(Pixiv)的正确打开方式 1347 1 2021-12-25
5 mattn/emmet-vim emmet for vim: 5865 1 2021-12-04
6 skywind3000/asyncrun.vim 🚀 Run Async Shell Commands in Vim 8.0 / NeoVim and Output to the Quickfix Window !! 1524 1 2022-02-20
7 skywind3000/asynctasks.vim 🚀 Modern Task System for Project Building, Testing and Deploying !! 654 1 2022-01-12
8 luochen1990/rainbow Rainbow Parentheses Improved, shorter code, no level limit, smooth and fast, powerful configuration. 1527 1 2021-12-27
9 derekhe/msfs2020-google-map Replace MSFS2020's bing map to google map 259 1 2022-01-10
10 StarryLeo/starry-vim 🌠 Starry vim distribution 12 0 2022-02-19
11 ZSaberLv0/ZFVimIM vim输入法 / Vim Input Method by pure vim script, support: user word, dynamic word priority, cloud db files 100 0 2022-02-23
12 csfenghan/linux_config 我的Linux系统常用工具的配置文件 5 0 2022-02-23
13 yszou/env 我平时使用的环境的配置文件 5 0 2022-01-09
14 fgheng/vime vime, an easy and structural config for (neo)vim users 311 0 2022-01-20
15 wkcn/MyVimConfig 我的Vim配置文件 4 0 2022-02-11
16 anzhihe/Efficient-office Alfred-Workflows,Vim,Script,Mac 20 0 2022-02-28
17 FengShangWuQi/to-vim-tmux-zsh 如何让 vim,tmux,zsh 成为我们的神器 86 0 2022-02-13
18 youngyangyang04/PowerVim Make your vim more power and much easer. 360 0 2021-10-26
19 wandercn/go-ide-vim.conf my vim conf for golang IDE and rust IDE 11 0 2022-02-11
20 bootleq/vim-ref-bingzh vim-ref source for Bing dictionary 8 0 2021-11-13
21 skywind3000/vim Personal Vim Profile 629 0 2022-03-01
22 halsn/neovim-config neovim配置及安装脚本 9 0 2022-02-11
23 FrankFang/oh-my-docker - 30 0 2022-02-13
24 terrytangyuan/dotfiles Personal bootstrapping dotfiles 8 0 2022-02-11
25 seven-linglx/dotfiles 相关工具的自定义配置文件,以及各种dotfiles。There are some configuration files of tool software likes vim, emacs, vscode, tmux and sublime 2 0 2021-11-20
26 junjiecjj/configure_file linux系统装机后常用的配置文件,vim配置成综合IDE、终端提示符、XTerm终端、窗口管理器FVWM,以及WSL的配置文件 3 0 2022-02-26
27 d0u9/.dot The bucket of dot files 21 0 2022-02-18
28 EZLippi/Profiles 异地工作配置中心 11 0 2022-02-18
29 jaywcjlove/vim-web ◈ 搞得像IDE一样的Vim,安装配置自己的Vim。 569 0 2021-12-05
30 xu-chaojie/VIM 精简vim配置,精简插件,只保留必要设置,并添加注释,不修改vim原有快捷键 3 0 2021-12-01
31 hotoo/pangu.vim 『盘古之白』中文排版自动规范化的 Vim 插件 261 0 2022-02-24
32 Yeatol/vimrc 自用 VIM 配置文件 3 0 2021-12-18
33 owner888/vimer vim editor 11 0 2022-03-02
34 rlue/vim-barbaric Automatic input method switching for vim 142 0 2022-01-02
35 jayli/vim-easycomplete 杭州市余杭区最好用的 VIM/NVIM 代码补全插件 166 0 2022-02-18
36 silenceboychen/vimconfig vim使用配置 2 0 2021-10-12
37 feix760/yuan 用户配置文件 vim 8 0 2021-10-28
38 hscspring/AIToolBox My AI Basic Tool Box 21 0 2022-02-26
39 Leptune/vim-for-coding vim-for-coding 114 0 2021-09-25
40 kevinhwang91/vim-ibus-sw Switch ibus between vim insert and normal mode. 22 0 2021-11-22
41 leetking/dotfiles 我的vim,bash等的配置文件 10 0 2022-02-17
42 qiqiboy/q-vim my vim config. 来自一个前端开发码农的vim配置方案 30 0 2021-12-10
43 Jackiexiao/jdocker docker搭建ubuntu远程开发环境/vscode 4 0 2021-09-16
44 apemost/vimrc A simple but powerful vim configuration 30 0 2022-02-08
45 lilydjwg/dotvim My vim config 259 0 2022-01-19
46 listenerri/ri-vim 一份中文注释齐全的vim配置 3 0 2021-12-25
47 lululxvi/oh-my-linux-apps My list of essential Linux applications. 11 0 2021-12-31
48 richard-ma/personal-config 用户配置文件 4 0 2021-10-26
49 xtfly/xvim my personal vim setting 10 0 2021-09-21
50 ZSaberLv0/ZFVimIM_pinyin_base vim拼音输入法 / pinyin for ZFVimIM 4 0 2021-09-19
51 HonkW93/automatic-verilog automatic-verilog based on vimscript 56 0 2022-02-25
52 SidOfc/mkdx A vim plugin that adds some nice extra's for working with markdown documents 387 0 2022-03-01
53 Genki-S/dotfiles My lovely settings. 23 0 2022-02-28
54 hotoo/vimrc ✌️ 闲耘™ 的 Vim 配置。 83 0 2022-02-26
55 dofy/7th-vim 安装简单,轻量、易用、高可配置性。 Lightweight & Customizable Vim configuration options. 93 0 2021-11-16
56 lilydjwg/fcitx.vim keep and restore fcitx state when leaving/re-entering insert mode 179 0 2021-10-26
57 marslo/myvim My Vim configuratons 13 0 2021-10-20
58 EthanYan6/vim-nice 懒人配置vim方案,有详细说明,以及现成的.vimrc配置文件供使用。The lazy person configures the vim scheme, with detailed instructions, and the ready-made .vimrc configuration file for use. 2 0 2021-11-11
59 pi314/ime.vim A Vim input method engine 71 0 2022-01-22
60 jathefo/ok-cmder Windows系统下终端工具,可以在Windows系统模拟Linux命令 3 0 2021-10-20
61 cnsworder/dev_init 开发环境初始化 vim+emacs+python 9 0 2022-01-09
62 rongyi/dotfile zsh/tmux/vim/mplayer配置文件 5 0 2022-02-26
63 VimWei/MdxSourceBuilder 一键制作mdx图片词典 15 0 2021-12-15
64 bujnlc8/vim-stock 一个以颜色显示A股行业涨跌的VIM插件 3 0 2021-10-27
65 gou4shi1/.vim My Vim 8 0 2022-02-22
66 4679/nvim-config 我的neovim配置 6 0 2022-02-24
67 gmd20/exercises 写过一些练习或者小工具,小代码片段等 4 0 2021-11-24
68 stamhe/linux-config 使用Linux系统及相关互联网服务的常用配置文件 3 0 2021-12-29
69 Abeautifulsnow/awesomeLibrary 目前主要收集Go、Python、Typescript、Javascript等High star库。The currently main goal is to collect high star libraries that were developed by Go、Python、Typescript、Javascript and etc. (You are very welcome to upda ... 2 0 2022-01-10
70 sky8336/skyVim vimcfg_bundle 31 0 2021-12-05
71 Martins3/My-Linux-Config 👏 Modern neovim configuration based on coc.nvim 152 0 2022-03-01
72 yaocccc/nvim - 20 0 2022-02-17
73 CrazyHulk/Vim vim插件 2 0 2021-11-25
74 AGou-ops/dotfiles 该仓库用于备份我的dotfiles,主要开发语言Golang,脚本lua,bash shell等... 26 0 2022-02-28
75 ruchee/vimrc Ruchee's Vim Config Files 401 0 2022-02-14
76 xiaodun/sf-mock 前端mock接口解决方案 2 0 2021-11-15
77 modood/vimrc A shell script to deploy my vim configuration 14 0 2022-01-01
78 lyokha/vim-xkbswitch vim plugin for automatic keyboard layout switching in insert mode 373 0 2021-12-29
79 wlemuel/vim-tldr tldr client for vim/neovim 46 0 2021-12-26
80 guerbai/ohmyarch - 16 0 2021-10-15
81 toby0000/linux_config ubuntu上自动安装和配置相关开发工具 6 0 2022-02-09
82 sillybun/vim-repl Best REPL environment for Vim 380 0 2022-02-13
83 tenfyzhong/macos-autoim.vim macos自动切换输入法 3 0 2021-11-23
84 tenfyzhong/VimScripts myself vim scripts 13 0 2021-12-16
85 mrbeardad/SpaceVim 基于SpaceVim的真正开箱即用、无需配置的IDE,你只需要记住快捷键即可。(目前默认支持C/C++、Go、Python、Shell、Markdown、VimL) 43 0 2021-09-26
86 ShiChenCong/.dotfiles .conifg下配置集合 2 0 2021-12-10
87 mzlogin/vim-markdown-toc A vim 7.4+ plugin to generate table of contents for Markdown files. 485 0 2022-02-11
88 curder/mac-config 记录个人MAC开发环境的简单配置,VIM、PHPStorm、Sequel Pro、SublimeText3等等 2 0 2021-11-30
89 mbbill/fencview Auto detect CJK and Unicode file encodings. 61 0 2021-10-12
90 iokfine/bee-dashboard 管理多个bee节点 提现工具 43 0 2022-02-21
91 AiDaiP/FuzzingSeeds 有 种 子 吗 2 0 2022-01-10
92 jayli/vim 我的vim配置文件 31 0 2022-02-24
93 GavinSun0921/Auto-configuration-vim 自动化配置 vim 的个人开发环境,包括基础的编辑器设置以及各种插件的安装与配置(包括LSP)。极大的便捷了配置过程。 3 0 2022-02-15

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