Setup Project in Production Server (LocalHost) Steps
Just copy-paste this steps No need to Worry
Requirements-> Python 3.8 Interpreter
Step 1: Clone Repository
Step 2:
Go to directory-> flask-ecommerce-site-by-sak
Step 3: Delete Virtual Environment
after pulling delete myenv folder in 'flask-ecommerce-site-by-sak' folder
Step 4: Create Virtual Environment
- $virtualenv myenv
Step 5: Activate Virtual Environment
- $myenv/Scripts/activate
Step 6: Install packages
- $pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 7: Run the Flask app
- $python
Step 7: Open localhost in browser
Don't forget to activate virtual environment after opening terminal
- Homepage is redirected to product page where list of 20 products is shown
- Can see Name, Image and Price of product
- By clicking on name of product goes to sub page with name, image and price
- Add to Cart Button
- Can add products to cart from product sub page and homepage
- cancel button
- remove all items from cart
- checkout button
- goes to checkout page to place a card number
Json response api
- Get all products on website with
- Go to of product)
- It will give information of product in json format as api