Start by logging into the AWS Management Console.
Create an IAM user with specific access permissions:
- EC2 Access: Allows access to virtual machines.
- S3 Bucket: Allows storing artifacts and models.
- ECR (Elastic Container Registry): Allows saving Docker images in AWS.
Attach the following policies to the IAM user:
- Region:
- Bucket Name:
Create an ECR repository to store/save Docker images:
- ECR Repository URI:
Create an EC2 machine with Ubuntu.
Open your EC2 instance and install Docker:
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get upgrade
curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh
sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu
newgrp docker
Configure EC2 as Self-Hosted Runner
Configure EC2 as a self-hosted runner for GitHub Actions:
Go to Settings > Actions > Runners. Click on New self-hosted runner. Choose the operating system. Follow the provided commands to complete the setup.
Setup GitHub Secrets
Add the following secrets to your GitHub repository:
Setup GitHub Secrets
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: Your AWS access key. AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: Your AWS secret access key. AWS_REGION: ap-south-1 AWS_ECR_LOGIN_URI: ECR_REPOSITORY_NAME: sensor-fault MONGO_DB_URL: mongodb+srv://
Deployment Description Follow these steps for deployment:
Build Docker Image: Build a Docker image of your source code. Push Docker Image to ECR: Push the Docker image to the ECR repository. Launch EC2 Instance: Start your EC2 instance. Pull Docker Image on EC2: Pull the Docker image from ECR to your EC2 instance. Launch Docker Image on EC2: Run your Docker image on the EC2 instance.