The current title string causes issues with large screens in tmux/nvim. The constant updating of the title will cause occasional flickers and since it is changing on cursor movement it causes a lot of cursor flickering.
Changing from:
set title titlestring=%{progname}\ %f\ +%l\ #%{TmuxNavigateDirections()}
set title titlestring=%{progname}\ #%{TmuxNavigateDirections()}
will effectively hide the issue.
Admittedly this doesn't happen in vim with Tmux. But with Neovim in a large (wide screen monitor 500x100) terminal with side by side Tmux splits it gets pretty unusable. I might suggest that the plugin only set the minimum titlestring it needs, and one could have extra stuff with a tmux-navigate-mid-titlestring that might default to "%f\ +%l\ ". Then the user could remove the extra stuff by just clearing that variable?
This would allow a non-forking work-around to: neovim/neovim#13095