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nestjs nestjs
A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications 🚀
Prisma prisma
Prisma makes working with databases easy

Berlin & Worldwide

Vercel vercel
Develop. Preview. Ship. Creators of Next.js.

United States of America

Meta facebook
We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

Menlo Park, California

MUI mui
MUI is the organization behind popular open-source projects like Material UI, Base UI, MUI X.


Saleor Commerce saleor
The commerce API that puts developers first.
DuckDuckGo duckduckgo
Independent internet privacy company. Download our browser on mobile and desktop. Unlike Chrome, it has privacy built in, including our private search engine.

Paoli, PA

MDN Web Docs mdn
Data and tools related to MDN Web Docs (formerly Mozilla Developer Network, formerly Mozilla Developer Center...)


Mark Erikson markerikson
Redux maintainer. Jack-Of-All-Trades code monkey. Collector of interesting links. Answerer of questions. Nerd, geek, gamer.


Brian Vaughn bvaughn
Turning coffee into software. Formerly developer tooling at @replayio, React core at @facebook, and @google.

Citadel Brooklyn, NY

Andrew Clark acdlite
React core team, Next.js, Vercel

@vercel New York

Igor Kroitor kroitor
Lead fullstack developer with 20+ years of experience in IT


Tod Sacerdoti todsac
Founder, Pipedream. Also father, investor & lifelong learner.

Pipedream, Inc. San Francisco, CA

Ahmad Awais ⌘ ahmadawais
Award-winning Open Source Engr. ❯ CEO @LangbaseInc @google Dev Advisory Board ❯ Automator at ❯ @nodejs ComCommittee ❯ BGB Linux Foundation

Founder, CEO @LangbaseInc, VP DevTools @Google gDAB GDE San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US.

Mehmet Olgun mehmetolgundev
Software Engineer @hepsiburada

@hepsiburada Istanbul

Fatih Kadir Akın f
JavaScript developer. Ruby lover. Author.

@teknasyon Istanbul, Turkey

Burak Selim Senyurt buraksenyurt
Matematik Mühendisi, MBAci, eski MVP, blogger, @nedirtv editörü. Turuncu sakallı bir yazılım geliştirici.

@DogusTeknoloji Turkey

Alper Güçlü alperguclu
Full Stack Developer with Backend Focus

@kuryaz İstanbul

Erdal TAŞKESEN erdaltsksn
“Code with purpose, passion, and precision” – that's my motto. A Software Developer ready to tackle new projects and push the boundaries of what's possible.💪🏽
Ryan Chenkie chenkie

Prisma Ottawa, Canada

William Candillon wcandillon
Maker of the “Can it be done in React Native?” YouTube series ⚛️📺


Eric Elliott ericelliott
🔥 Manager, Adobe Firefly 🪄 Conjured SudoLang 📖 Author, "Composing Software" 🤖 AI, AIDD, Web3, TDD, JavaScript 💻

The metaverse

Sukru Ozdemir sukrukuryaz
Personal account @sukruozdemir

Kurgu Yazılım İstanbul

Evan You yyx990803
Husband, father of two, independent OSS dev. @vuejs, @vitejs, @rolldown, and more. Connoisseur of sushi.


Addy Osmani addyosmani
Engineering Lead at Google working on Chrome & Web Platform

Google Mountain View, California

dan gaearon
