Caelus is a weather monitoring app, named after the primordial god of the sky in Roman mythology.
Main feature of this app is periodic collection of current weather data from the weather APIs and physical weather monitoring devices which should send their current weather data to the application backend periodically too. Later on at admin panel this data can be observed, analysed and processed for example for some weather research purposes.
Also app provies example of admin panel access permissions by presenting the notion of the organization_admin
role along with super_admin
role. AdminUser
entities can be managed by admins with super admin role.
Super admin also can see and manage all the organisations and their related entites data.
While organisation admins can only manage organsations data to which they are granted access to.
Also admin panel allows super_admin
users to see the rSwag API documentation and to monitor the state of the sidekiq bacground jobs and scheduled jobs at the 'Settings' menu section. Super admin users also can be managed there.
is presents business concept of some kind of corporate client of this admin panel.
Organisation has such related entites like WeatherApiCredential
or WeatherDevice
that can be assigned to the Observations::Source
. Observation sources attributes contain name and latitude, longitude coordinates which present a poit of interest for the meteorological observations.
All fetched and received data is being saved into the Observations::Result
No matter what the original formats and requests are used at the respective weather apis app processes them to be saved in a unified format at periodic background processing Weather::SchedulerJob
Weather API processing intricacies are incapsulated at the Weather::OpenWeatherHandler
and ::Weather::AccuWeatherHandler
Another implementational example of the simple API client is done at AccuWeather::Api::Request
that inherits from the BaseApi::Request
that also provides an example of how the basic API client can be implemented.
Primary purose of the app as a pet project is to showcase some implementation concepts and approaches that can be useful for such tasks like multiple sources data collection and processing.
ruby 3.3.1
Docker (Docker Desktop)
, ruby 3.3.1
Run this command in the terminal
cp docker-compose.yml.example docker-compose.yml
to create docker compose file form the provided example -
Generate random key set with this
DATABASE_URL=dummy DATABASE_PORT=123 DATABASE_USER=dummy bin/rails db:encryption:init
in your termial. Pan no mind onto these weir dummy values they are just needed to load the enviromnent for this command, these values are not involved in the key set generation. Command output will contain something like this:
primary_key: <your generated primary_key value>
deterministic_key: <your generated deterministic_key value>
key_derivation_salt: <your generated key_derivation_salt value>
- Inside your local
file atrails
environment sections assign previously generated values at respective variables
# ...
# ...
ACTIVE_RECORD_ENCRYPTION_PRIMARY_KEY: <your generated primary_key value>
ACTIVE_RECORD_ENCRYPTION_DETERMINISTIC_KEY: <your generated deterministic_key value>
ACTIVE_RECORD_ENCRYPTION_KEY_DERIVATION_SALT: <your generated key_derivation_salt value>
# ...
# ...
# ...
ACTIVE_RECORD_ENCRYPTION_PRIMARY_KEY: <your generated primary_key value>
ACTIVE_RECORD_ENCRYPTION_DETERMINISTIC_KEY: <your generated deterministic_key value>
ACTIVE_RECORD_ENCRYPTION_KEY_DERIVATION_SALT: <your generated key_derivation_salt value>
# ...
Start project with
SUPER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=your_super_password docker-compose up
(Don't forget to provide your own secure password here instead ofyour_super_password
. As it will be the password of the admin user with highest level of access permissions). By default super admin login email
During starting process database also will be prepopulated with some demo entities like Organisation and some dummy randomly generated Weather API credentials. (These credentials must be updated with real ones at next steps)
After docker compose has finished starting up the application, open application domain
and enter the created above super admin credentials. It should log in you into the admin panel of the appication.
Navigate into weather credentials of the dummy
Meteo Tech
organization, (Organizations -> Meteo Tech -> Weather Api Credentials
) -
credentials respectively with your own real api credentials, which you can create registring at their official websites Don't worry features that we are using are supported by free subscription plans -
After Weather APIs are properly configured project's background processing current weather data fetching job
, that runs every hour, would finally be able to fetch some data and save it into the database viaObservations::Result
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H 'Authorization: Token token=ca63308bc71198be9061fa66ee9cab5e' http://localhost:3000/weather_devices/f8c6ac85-4ee9-4ca9-838c-9df83843e24a/api/observation_results -X POST -d '{ "temperature": 19.0, "pressure": 1016.6, "humidity": 79.0, "wind_speed": 0.9, "wind_deg": 270.0 }'
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H 'Authorization: Token token=ca63308bc71198be9061fa66ee9cab5e' http://localhost:3000/weather_devices/f8c6ac85-4ee9-4ca9-838c-9df83843e24a/api/observation_results -X POST -d '{ "temperature": 19.0, "pressure": 1016.6, "humidity": 79.0, "wind_speed": null, "wind_deg": null }'
< HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Content
"error": "Invalid data",
"messages": [
"wind_speed": "must be a float"
"wind_deg": "must be a float"
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H 'Authorization: Token token=Wrong-Token-ca63308bc71198be9061fa66ee9cab5e' http://localhost:3000/weather_devices/f8c6ac85-4ee9-4ca9-838c-9df83843e24a/api/observation_results -X POST -d '{ "temperature": 19.0, "pressure": 1016.6, "humidity": 79.0, "wind_speed": null, "wind_deg": null }'
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H 'Authorization: Token token=ca63308bc71198be9061fa66ee9cab5e' http://localhost:3000/weather_devices/f8c6ac85-4ee9-4ca9-838c-9df83843e25a/api/observation_results -X POST -d '{ "temperature": 19.0, "pressure": 1016.6, "humidity": 79.0, "wind_speed": null, "wind_deg": null }'
< HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
{"error":"Not Found"}
- Run specs with
bundle exec rspec
- Generate the Swagger JSON file(s)
rake rswag:specs:swaggerize
. Read more here
Dymanic/Reconfigurable data fetching schedules, might be useful testing or for example or some other use cases, maybe to reduce amount of weather api queries etc
Use postgis for Observations::Source latitude, longitude handling, that will improve the data integrity and can open way for further interesting features to work with coordinates tracking for example if this data comes from the mobile weather devices like Meteorological Ballons for example
postgres extension for the native support of the UUID values (skipped to avoid issues at heroku deployment) -
entity that might group someObservations::Sources
into specific sets of weather sources to process them as close entities for some specific experiment for example -
API to fetch config data by WeatherDevice that device might ask form the backend server
More weather apis integration and different data collection/processing.
Rails generator task to setup API calls wrapper class scaffold
Google Map integration at admin panel for all the coordinates data
Onboard photo image uploading as recent WeatherDevice onboard camera image that later can be shown at some page with Google Map that shows all the physical WeatherDevice source's along with virtual WeatherApiCredental sources
Some customizable Alerts/Notifications/Indication when some weather values reach specific thresholds etc
Some more complex analytics for the received weather data and some forecasting with AI or some algorithms based on the fetched data
CI and Deployments
Improve test coverage. At least add more Unit tests and api tests
Sentry error monitoring
Add and use code checking tools like Rubocop, License Finder, Brakeman, Bullet, flog and other checks can be further in inside the deploy CI along with the rSpec, rSwag, etc