- Learn Python programming
- Machine learning development is mainly done in a specific code editor called Jupyter Notebook. You can either install Jupyter Notebook on your PC or use online cloud-based Jupyter notebook platforms like Google Colab and Kaggle.
- Jupyter Notebooks tutorial: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C9E2yPBw7s)
- Google Colab (https://colab.research.google.com/): Free online Jupyter notebook environment with GPU support.
- Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/): Platform for data science competitions, notebooks, and datasets. Also provides online Jupyter notebook
- Learn NumPy for numerical computing and Pandas for data manipulation
- Data Analysis with Python Certification | freeCodeCamp.org
- tools_numpy.ipynb - Colab (google.com) Google colab notebook with numpy tutorial (Recommended)
- tools_pandas.ipynb - Colab (google.com) Google colab notebook with pandas tutorial(Recommended)
- Explore data visualization with Matplotlib or Seaborn
- Codebasics - Matplotlib tutorial - YouTube
- tools_matplotlib.ipynb - Colab (google.com) Google colab notebook with matplotlib tutorial (Recommended)
** You can download or copy the given google colab notebooks in your own colab account.
**You can either follow one of the complete ML playlists or study the topics individually from various sources
- Machine Learning | Coursera (Recommended)
- Codebasics - Machine Learning Tutorial Python | Machine Learning For Beginners - YouTube
- Krish Naik Hindi - Machine Learning Playlist - YouTube
- ageron/handson-ml3: A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Python using Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow 2. (github.com) A github repository containing jupyter notebook files with codes. You can download and open the files in colab. (Short and precise, good for revision or quick learning)
- CampusX - 100 Days of Machine Learning - YouTube
** You can explore the given playlists to find specific topics or search for videos and articles by entering keywords related to your interests.
Understand basic ML concepts
Learn scikit-learn library
Linear Regression
Logistic Regression
k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN)
- House price prediction (Linear Regression)
- Diabetes prediction (Logistic Regression)
- Iris flower classification (Logistics Regression)
- Iris flower classification (k-NN)
Decision Trees and Random Forests
Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Naive Bayes
K-Means Clustering
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
- Customer churn prediction (Random Forest)
- Spam email classification (SVM and Naive Bayes)
- Customer segmentation (K-Means Clustering)
- Dimensionality reduction for visualization (PCA)
Understand neural networks basics
- Nvidia Deep Learning Institute - Building A Brain in 10 Minutes (This notebook explores the biological and psychological inspirations to the world's first neural networks.)
- Rajat Dandekar - Building Neural Networks from Scratch - YouTube (Recommended)
- 3Blue1Brown - Neural networks - YouTube (You can watch this series for understanding the intuition behind Neural Networks)
Deep Learning Theory
- Krish Naik Hindi - Complete Deep Learning Playlist - YouTube
- Stanford CS230: Deep Learning | Autumn 2018 (youtube.com) Lecture series by Prof. Andrew NG. Good for formal deep learning knowledge.
Choose between TensorFlow or PyTorch
- Tensorflow and PyTorch are two major frameworks used for deep learning development. You can start with Tensorflow as it has better community support and projects availability.
- Codebasics - Deep Learning With Tensorflow 2.0, Keras and Python - YouTube (Uses Tensorflow) (Recommended)
- Krish Naik - Live Deep Learning Sessions - YouTube (Detailed live stream tutorials)
- Learn PyTorch for deep learning in a day. Literally. (youtube.com) (Uses Pytorch)
- Dive into Deep Learning — Dive into Deep Learning 1.0.3 documentation (d2l.ai) (A complete book series on deep learning with tutorials and exercises. Good for book learners.)
Sentiment analysis on movie reviews
Text classification with BERT
Question-answering system
Choose 2-3 larger projects that combine multiple areas:
Build a recommendation system
Create an image captioning model
Develop a language translation system
Solve ML/DL problems and challenges
- Sigmoid Academy (sigmoid-academy.netlify.app)
- ML Code Challenges - Deep-ML ** platforms for solving coding challenges, similar to Leetcode
Participate in Kaggle competitions
Contribute to open-source ML projects
Stay updated with ML/DL blogs and research papers