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Create .torrent files


This module is used by WebTorrent! This module works in node.js and the browser.


npm i -S create-torrent


The simplest way to use create-torrent is like this:

import createTorrent from 'create-torrent'
import fs from 'fs'

createTorrent('/path/to/folder', (err, torrent) => {
  if (!err) {
    // `torrent` is a Buffer with the contents of the new .torrent file
    fs.writeFile('my.torrent', torrent)

A reasonable piece length (approx. 1024 pieces) will automatically be selected for the .torrent file, or you can override it if you want a different size (See API docs below).


createTorrent(input, [opts], function callback (err, torrent) {})

Create a new .torrent file.

input can be any of the following:

  • path to the file or folder on filesystem (string)
  • W3C File object (from an <input> or drag and drop)
  • W3C FileList object (basically an array of File objects)
  • Node Buffer object
  • Node stream.Readable object

Or, an array of string, File, Buffer, or stream.Readable objects.

opts is optional and allows you to set special settings on the produced .torrent file.

  name: String,             // name of the torrent (default = basename of `path`, or 1st file's name)
  comment: String,          // free-form textual comments of the author
  createdBy: String,        // name and version of program used to create torrent
  creationDate: Date        // creation time in UNIX epoch format (default = now)
  filterJunkFiles: Boolean, // remove hidden and other junk files? (default = true)
  private: Boolean,         // is this a private .torrent? (default = false)
  pieceLength: Number,      // force a custom piece length (number of bytes)
  announceList: [[String]], // custom trackers (array of arrays of strings) (see [bep12](
  urlList: [String],        // web seed urls (see [bep19](
  info: Object,             // add non-standard info dict entries, e.g. info.source, a convention for cross-seeding
  onProgress: Function      // called with the number of bytes hashed and estimated total size after every piece

If announceList is omitted, the following trackers will be included automatically:

  • udp://
  • udp://
  • udp://
  • udp://
  • udp://
  • wss://
  • wss://
  • wss://

Trackers that start with wss:// are for WebRTC peers. See WebTorrent to learn more.

callback is called with an error and a Buffer of the torrent data. It is up to you to save it to a file if that's what you want to do.


Every torrent is required to have a name. If one is not explicitly provided through, one will be determined automatically using the following logic:

  • If all files share a common path prefix, that will be used. For example, if all file paths start with /imgs/ the torrent name will be imgs.
  • Otherwise, the first file that has a name will determine the torrent name. For example, if the first file is /foo/bar/baz.txt, the torrent name will be baz.txt.
  • If no files have names (say that all files are Buffer or Stream objects), then a name like "Unnamed Torrent " will be generated.


Every file is required to have a name. For filesystem paths or W3C File objects, the name is included in the object. For Buffer or Readable stream types, a name property can be set on the object, like this:

const buf = Buffer.from('Some file content') = 'Some file name'

command line

usage: create-torrent <directory OR file> {-o outfile.torrent}

Create a torrent file from a directory or file.

If an output file isn\'t specified with `-o`, the torrent file will be
written to stdout.


MIT. Copyright (c) Feross Aboukhadijeh and WebTorrent, LLC.


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  • TypeScript 93.0%
  • JavaScript 7.0%