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This role deploys WordPress instances including plugins and their configuration.


This role requires the php-fpm role, the nginx role and the maria db role.

Role Variables

Name Required/Default Description
wordpress_instances [] List of dicts, see general
wordpress_enable_setup False Needs to be set to True to actually enable setup of wordpress instances.

When wordpress_enable_setup is False (the default), then this role only installs the required packages and ignores the content of wordpress_instances. This is useful for the case where /var/www is a shared directory between multiple hosts (i.e., a replicated setup) and another host is responsible for the setup of wordpress instances.


Each entry in wordpress_instances describes one WordPress instance which will be available in /var/www/wordpress-{{}}. For the dicts in wordpress_instances, there are some global defaults (see defaults/main.yml). A temporary directory for each instance will be created at /var/www/wordpress-{{}}/wp-content/tmp and should be configured accordingly in php. A lot of configuration keys are available, only the most important ones are described here. The variables described in the defaults are used as default if a WordPress instance does not contain the respective key (e.g. if the instance does not define admins, wordpress_default_admins is used).

Only the variables name, siteurl, home, mysql_user, mysql_password, table_prefix, admins, plugins and related options are evaluated and used on each role execution. All other variables are only used when WordPress is installed.

Name Required/Default Description
name ✔️ A name to describe the instance. This is used e.g. to name the WordPress folder, the database and the database user of this instance.
siteurl ✔️ The basename of the domain where this WordPress instance should be reachable, e.g.
home ✔️ The homepage of the WordPress instance
blogname ✔️ The blog name (title) of this WordPress instance
blogdescription ✔️ The description of the WordPress instance
default_user admin The user that is created on setup
default_password ✔️ The password that is used for the default user
default_email The email address for the default user
template twentyseventeen The name of the WordPress template being in use
stylesheet twentyseventeen What stylesheet should be used for the WordPress instance
admins {} List of admins to be created. For more information see Admins
plugins [] List of plugins to install and options to set. For more information see Plugins
plugin_merge_default True Default decision whether the existing plugin options should be merged or overwritten by the ones defined in the role variables.

Database Connection

Name Required/Default Description
mysql_host localhost The host to use for connecting to the database. Set to localhost:/path/to/mysqld/socket to use a Unix socket instead.
mysql_user {{}} The MySQL user to use for this instance
mysql_create_user True Whether to create the MySQL user if it doesn't exist
mysql_db {{}} The database to create and use for this instance
mysql_create_db True Whether to create the database if it doesn't exist
mysql_password ✔️ The password for the MySQL user
table_prefix wp_ The database to create and use for this instance

Environment Variables for Database Connection

wp-config.php will not contain any MySQL credentials and instead read them from the environment variables ANSIBLE_WORDPRESS_DB_HOST, ANSIBLE_WORDPRESS_DB_NAME, ANSIBLE_WORDPRESS_DB_USER, and ANSIBLE_WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD. This role is not responsible to actually set these environment variables (except in the context of tasks performed by this role), so you need to add them to the PHP config yourself. In order to be compatible with this role's defaults, you should set the environment variables as follows:

env[ANSIBLE_WORDPRESS_DB_HOST] = {{ wp_instance.mysql_host | default('localhost:/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock') }}
env[ANSIBLE_WORDPRESS_DB_NAME] = {{ wp_instance.mysql_db | default( | mandatory) }}
env[ANSIBLE_WORDPRESS_DB_USER] = {{ wp_instance.mysql_user | default( | mandatory) }}
env[ANSIBLE_WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD] = {{ wp_instance.mysql_password | mandatory }}


Name Required/Default Description
mailserver_url URI of the mail server
mailserver_login Login name for the mail serer
mailserver_pass password Password for the mail server
mailserver_port 110 Port for the mail server


Name Required/Default Description
import_template False If this is true ansible will try to extract a zip file from files/{{inventory_hostname}}/{{}}{{ wordpress_template }}.zip and install it in the WordPress instance
import_wp_content False If this is True, Ansible will try to copy the wp-content directory over to the remote host from files/{{inventory_hostname}}/{{}}/wp-content/
import_db_file False If this is True, Ansible will try to import a sql file from files/{{inventory_hostname}}/{{}}/wordpress.sql
import_replace_siteurls [] List of domains to replace with {{instance.siteurl}} in the SQL file before importing it, e.g.


plugins is a list of dicts with the following keys:

Name Required/Default Description
name ✔️ The name(slug) of the plugin to be installed
merge {{ instance.plugin_merge_default }} Setting whether the options should be merged or overwritten
options ✔️ Dict containing the plugin options (the key is the same key as in the WordPress database)
update True If this is False, this plugin will be excluded from updating. By default, all plugins are updated, even if they're not configured in the plugins list.


admins is a dict of admins to be created, using the key as admin name. Example:


If no password is set, a random password will be set, which can be reset via the specified email address. Alternatively, plugins that supply the password like authorizer may be used.

Name Required/Default Description
email ✔️ The email address of the admin.
name ✔️ The display name of the admin.
password ✖️ The plain text password of the admin.


  - name: mainsite
    blogname: Wordpress test
    blogdescription: Wordpress test description
    mysql_password: changeme
    default_user: alice
    default_password: pleasechangemealice


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