Describe the bug
Given I have a component with an argument "correctAnswers" which is configured as a "string[]"
And in the "Controls" panel I can see that the control value is initially an empty array
And I manually modify the control value via the "Controls" panel adding an element to it ("answer1")
And I see that in the browser URL the control value change is tracked as follows: "&args=correctAnswers[0]:answer1"
When I refresh the page with the updated URL
Then I see that the control value becomes an Object containing a single key with the value I added before ("answer1")
And my component breaks because it receives an Object instead of an Array for the specific control
To Reproduce
Reproduction deployed with Chromatic:
Please follow the description Gherkin to reproduce the issue.
The reproduction can be cloned from the following repo:
OS: macOS 10.15.7
CPU: (12) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8850H CPU @ 2.60GHz
Node: 10.15.1 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v10.15.1/bin/node
npm: 7.17.0 - ~/Documents/Docebo/Dev/repos/sdk/training-elements/node_modules/.bin/npm
Chrome: 91.0.4472.114
Firefox: 88.0.1
Safari: 14.0.3
@storybook/addon-a11y: ~6.3.1 => 6.3.1
@storybook/addon-actions: ~6.3.1 => 6.3.1
@storybook/addon-console: ~1.2.3 => 1.2.3
@storybook/addon-docs: ~6.3.1 => 6.3.1
@storybook/addon-essentials: ~6.3.1 => 6.3.1
@storybook/addon-links: ~6.3.1 => 6.3.1
@storybook/angular: ~6.3.1 => 6.3.1
@storybook/theming: ~6.3.1 => 6.3.1
Additional context
There are no errors in the console and I haven't defined any custom configuration for the specific control via "ArgTypes".
Initial state of the control when there isn't any pre-defined value in the browser URL
State of the control when there's a pre-defined value for it in the browser URL