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nushell core team member
nushell core team member
  • arcadian group
  • corvallis, oregon

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Jose Quintana joseluisq
Software Developer, author of @static-web-server, GNU/Linux/BSD fan & FLOSS enthusiast. @rust-lang @docker @golang @archlinux @Debian

@techtriq Perú | Germany

Triet Trinh trinhminhtriet
✅ Platform Engineer | AWS Certified | Scrum Master PSMI | Golang | NodeJS | Java | PHP | Android | Remote
Maciej Hirsz maciejhirsz
🦀 Rust

Porto, Portugal

Weny Xu WenyXu
I am interested in database systems and distributed systems. @GreptimeTeam

@GreptimeTeam Hangzhou, China

Piepmatz cptpiepmatz
CS Student at CvO University Oldenburg

CvO University Oldenburg Germany



Jonathan Kelley jkelleyrtp
Creator @DioxusLabs

Dioxus Labs San Francisco, CA

Devon Govett devongovett
Creator of @parcel-bundler. Engineer @adobe working on React Aria and React Spectrum.

Adobe San Francisco

Zoltan Kochan zkochan
Maintainer of @pnpm

@teambit Budapest 🇭🇺

SasakiSaki oovm

Tencent Shanghai China

Lomírus lomirus
Web Dev | Using TS/JS/RS | Wanna be an Indie Game Dev | 社畜打工中 😪

@Tencent Nanshan, Shenjenn

william341 143mailliw
Developer of Starship, Boing, Laser Studio. Computer Science student at ASU.

bruh Arizona

Héctor hecrj
I play code and write games.


Emil Ernerfeldt emilk
Rust coder, creator of egui, CTO of, egui Stockholm, Sweden

kcaverly KCaverly
I like working in the terminal, helping the community, and building machines that read.

Toronto, Canada

Julia ForLoveOfCats
Software developer, language design nerd, gamer, and adorer of cats. Building a new programming language
Aaron AaronSchulz

Wikimedia Foundation San Francisco, CA

Make for fun.


adam mcdaniel adam-mcdaniel
open sourcerer🔓🏗️, musician🎸🎶, and computer science PhD student🎓

University of Tennessee, Knoxville Knoxville, TN

ML research & engineering

Brooklyn, NY


Ontario, Canada

Floyd Wang madcodelife
前说唱歌手 / 初跑者

@longbridgeapp Chengdu, China

Jason Lee huacnlee
Ruby / Go / Rust, co-founder of @ruby-china

@longbridge Chengdu, China

Peter John pyrossh

Equal Experts Bangalore, India

Charlie Marsh charliermarsh
Building @astral-sh: high-performance developer tools for Python, starting with Ruff.

@astral-sh Brooklyn, NY

Krishna Rajendragon blazzy
Wasting time with all the chatroom yakkers


Peter Tripp notpeter
Zed! Playdate! Other things!

Zed Industries Massachusetts, USA

Andy Gayton cablehead

Toronto, Canada ❄️

David Lattimore davidlattimore
Developer currently working on Rust development tools with a focus on Rust warm build times.

Sydney, Australia

Bob Nystrom munificent
Programming language developer, ex-game developer, UI nerd, author of "Game Programming Patterns" and "Crafting Interpreters".

@google, on @dart-lang Seattle, WA

Joe Wilm jwilm
Creator of Alacritty, Technical Fellow @OneSignal

OneSignal Redwood City, CA

Andrew Lilley Brinker alilleybrinker
👷🏻‍♂️ Hipcheck, OmniBOR 🖊️ Open source software, security, memory safety ☕ Coffee, more coffee

@mitre Orange County, California

V0ldek V0ldek
Mateusz Gienieczko. C# .NET developer, having an affair with Rust. Programming language aficionado.

Technische Universität München Munich

Devyn Cairns devyn

CityBldr (@Rebls) Richmond, BC