This is simple package to convert 12894090 views to 12.9M views. Feel free to use.
You can clone this repo
git clone
Or via composer:
composer require stonec0der/shorten-nums
Publish the configuration file with
php artisant vendor:publish --provider="Stonec0der\ShortenNums\ShortenNumsServiceProvider"
This will publish a config file shorten-nums.php in the config folder. Set your default precision
Let's say you have a big integer value being return like 12894090 (views) and you want to display it like this 12.8M (views).
use Stonec0der\ShortenNumsFacade
$value = '12894090';
// Shorten
$formated_number = ShortenNumsFacade::readableNumber($value);
// Output will
// 12.9M.
If you do not need the config file you can directly pass the precision when calling any method, else the default will be use
This enable you to return for 1240 => 1.2K with default precisionn
and 1.24 with $precision set to 2 and so on.
$value = '1240';
$precision = 2;
$formated_number = ShortenNumsFacade::readableNumber($value, $precision);
// Output
// 1.24K
If you expect the value to be between 999,999 & 999,999,999. You can directly call a method associated with Millions
$value = '8525000';
$formated_number = ShortenNumsFacade::readableMillion($value, 2);
// Output
// 8.53M
In most case you will want to use ShortenNumsFacade::readableNumer($number);
. If a value less than 999 is passed the value is return as it, if it greater than 999 Trillions return // 999+T
composer test
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Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
This package was generated using the Laravel Package Boilerplate.