PHPLearn requires PHP >= 7.0
To install PHPLearn download the contents of the phpLearn directory into your webserver and create and include the 'phpLearn.php' file in all your PHP scripts.
include_once 'phpLearn.php';
- Classification
- Regression
- Nural Network
- Helper Classes
A machine learning classifier implementing the KNearestNeighbors algorithm.
- $k - number of nearest neighbors to scan
- $verbose
- true - output predicted label, percent confidence, and runtime
- false - output predicted label
$classifier = new KNearestNeighbors($k, $verbose);
To train the KNearestNeighbors classifier provide train samples and labels as type array.
$samples = [[1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 4], [3, 1], [4, 1], [4, 2]];
$targets = ['a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'b'];
$classifier = new KNearestNeighbors(3, false);
$classifier->train($samples, $targets);
To predict a label use the 'predict' method.
$data = $classifier->predict([3, 2]);
// return 'b'
A machine learning classifier implementing the SVC algorithm.
- $verbose
- true - output predicted label, and runtime
- false - output predicted label
$classifier = new SVC($verbose);
To train the KNearestNeighbors classifier provide train samples and labels as type array.
$samples = [[1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 4], [3, 1], [4, 2], [4, 2]];
$targets = ['a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'b'];
$classifier = new SVC(true);
$classifier->train($samples, $targets);
To predict a label use the 'predict' method.
$data = $classifier->predict([0,1.2]);
// return 'b'
A machine learning classifier implementing the LeastSquares method of Linear Regression.
- $verbose
- true - output predicted label, y-intercept, and runtime
- false - output predicted label
$classifier = new LeastSquares($verbose);
To train the LeastSquares classifier provide train samples and labels as type array.
$samples = [[60], [61], [62], [63], [65]];
$targets = [3.1, 3.6, 3.8, 4, 4.1];
$classifier = new LeastSquares(true);
$classifier->train($samples, $targets);
To predict a label use the 'predict' method.
$data = $classifier->predict(64);
// return 4.06
A machine learning classifier implementing Multiple Linear Regression.
- $verbose
- true - output predicted label, y-intercept, and runtime
- false - output predicted label
$classifier = new MultipleLinearRegression($verbose);
To train the Multiple Linear Regression classifier provide train samples and labels as type array.
$samples = [[73676, 1996], [77006, 1998], [10565, 2000], [146088, 1995], [15000, 2001], [65940, 2000], [9300, 2000], [93739, 1996], [153260, 1994], [17764, 2002], [57000, 1998], [15000, 2000]];
$targets = [2000, 2750, 15500, 960, 4400, 8800, 7100, 2550, 1025, 5900, 4600, 4400];
$classifier = new MultipleLinearRegression(true);
$classifier->train($samples, $targets);
To predict a label use the 'predict' method.
$data = $classifier->predict([60000, 1996]);
// return 4094.83
A machine learning classifier implementing MQuadratic Regression.
- $verbose
- true - output predicted label, y-intercept, and runtime
- false - output predicted label
$classifier = new MultipleLinearRegression($verbose);
To train the Quadratic Regression classifier provide train samples and labels as type array.
$samples = [[3], [6], [10], [5], [2]];
$targets = [2,5,7,9,12];
$classifier = new QuadraticRegression(true);
$classifier->train($samples, $targets);
To predict a label use the 'predict' method.
$data = $classifier->predict(8);
// return 7.39
A helper class letting you easily calculate the accuracy of predicted data.
To predict a score provide labels and predicted labels as type array.
$accuracy = new Accuracy();
$accuracy->score(['a', 'b', 'a'], ['a', 'a', 'a']);
return 0.666
A helper class letting you easily parse training data into arrays.
Sets an associative array with the samples and labels.
$iris = new Data();
$data = $iris->iris();
$samples = $data['samples'];
$labels = $data['labels'];
A helper class letting you easily get the distance between two data points.
Gets the euclidean distance between two points
$classifier = new distance();
$classifier->euclidean([5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2], [55, 5, 150, 0.2]);
//return 156.76166623253
A helper class letting you easily get the runtime of a script.
$timer = new timer();
//return 0.00000000546
PHPLearn is released under the MIT Licence.
Jehan Wadia (@jwadia)