Questions are defined in JSON files in the resource folder ./backend/src/main/resources/questions and are deployed directly with the application.
Thee are currently three supported types of questions:
"id": "question01",
"type": "CHOICE",
"phrase": "Which US president was NOT assassinated in office?",
"correctAnswer": "Theodore Roosevelt",
"answerOptions": ["Abraham Lincoln", "John F. Kennedy", "Theodore Roosevelt", "William McKinley"]
Although the correct answer is of type String, it must be an Int/Long
"id": "question01",
"type": "ESTIMATE",
"phrase": "How many years did the Hundred Years' War last?",
"correctAnswer": "116"
Although the correct answer is of type String, it must be an Int/Long
"id": "question01",
"type": "FREE_INPUT",
"phrase": "Which was the launch title of the Nintendo Game Boy?",
"correctAnswer": "Tetris"
Each question type also supports the property "imagePath" to include an image as question.
Questions are grouped into question sets and each game uses one question set. In a question set the questions are listed by their ID.
Question sets are defined in JSON files in the resource folder ./backend/src/main/resources/questionsets and are deployed directly with the application.
"id": "my_questionset",
"name": "My questions",
"minPlayers": 4,
"questions": [
To start the full stack with backend and frontend on the local machine, execute the following steps:
- in directory Frontend:
npm install
npm run build
(installs the compiled frontend into the ./static folder of the backend)
- in root directory
./gradlew clean build -x test backend:jibDockerBuild
(compiles code and builds a local docker image)
- in devsupport directory
docker-compose -f ./docker-compose-app.yml up
- visit http://localhost:8080 in your browser