bandl is open source library, provides apis for equity stock, derivatives, commodities, and cryptocurrencies.
Use the package manager pip to install bandl.
pip install bandl
- Installation
- Usage
- Contributing
- License
from bandl.nse_data import NseData
nd = NseData() # returns 'NseData object'. can be use to get nse data.
strikes = nd.get_oc_strike_prices("NIFTY")
oc_data = nd.get_option_data("NIFTY",strikes=strikes)
expiry_dates = nd.get_oc_exp_dates(symbol) #return available expiry dates
nd.get_option_chain_excel(symbol,expiry_date,filepath) #dumps option chain to file_path
# or get in pandas dateframe
bn_df = nd.get_option_chain_df(symbol, expiry_date,dayfirst=False) #returns option chain in pandas data frame.
data_frame = nd.get_data(symbol,series="EQ",start=None,end=None,periods=None,dayfirst=False) #returns historical data in pandas data frames
part_oi_df = nd.get_part_oi_df(start=None,end=None,periods=None,dayfirst=False,workers=None)
from bandl.nasdaq import Nasdaq
testObj = Nasdaq() # returns 'Nasdaq class object'.
dfs = testObj.get_data("AAPL",periods=15) # returns last 15 days data
from bandl.yfinance import Yfinance
testObj = Yfinance() # returns 'Yfinance class object'.
#if US stock, then pass is_indian=False
dfs = testObj.get_data("AAPL",is_indian=False) #by default, returns last years data
#to get indian stock data
dfs = testObj.get_data("SBIN",start="21-Jan-2020") #retruns data from 21Jan 2020 to till today
from bandl.binance import Binance
testObj = Binance() # returns 'Binance class object'.
#to get all crypto tickers
tkrs = testObj.get_tickers() #by default, returns all tickers
dfs = testObj.get_data("ETHBTC",start="21-Jan-2020") #retruns data from 21Jan 2020 to till today
from bandl.coinbase import Coinbase
testObj = Coinbase() # returns 'Binance class object'.
dfs = testObj.get_data("BTC-USD",start="21-Jan-2020",end="21-Jan-2021")#retruns data from 21Jan 2020 to 21-Jan-2021
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Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.