The current interface requires (according to the documentation):
a nonlinear inequality constraint of the form
$f_c(x) \leq 0$
A very common pattern in constrained optimization is the more general setup of
If I have an existing constraint function
It seems like the logic could be wrapped in an interface something like:
nlopt::opt::add_inequality_constraint(nlopt::func fc, void* userdata, double lc, double uc, double tol)
Somewhat related to why it makes it an unnecessary pain for the user is the lack of support for lambdas (though a separate issue itself).
If lambdas were supported, this would be much simpler, e.g.
[&](unsigned n, const double*x, double*grad, void* data){
return fc(n,x,grad,data) - ub;
[&](unsigned n, const double*x, double*grad, void* data){
double ans = lb - fc(n,x,grad,data);
if (grad) for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) grad[i]*=-1.;
return ans;
Either the overloaded add_inequality_constraint
method above, or overloaded methods
nlopt::opt::add_<objective/constraint/etc> ( std::function<double(unsigned, const double*, double*, void*)> nlopt_fun, ... );
would be fantastic 😁