Tags: stevenbw/pyswarms
Merge pull request ljvmiranda921#180 from ljvmiranda921/development Preparation for v.0.3.0 release
Add Pyramid topology and new example This commit adds a Pyramid topology and a new example on Inverse Kinematics. Contributor: @whzup (ljvmiranda921#142) (ljvmiranda921#141)
Format code using black and flake8 This pre-release formats the code using the black formatter and flake8. It looks much better now. We also added .flake8 and .pyproject.toml configs to facilitate checking and possibility of pre-commit hooks.
Add plotters module This pre-release adds a plotters module to facilitate better visualization of swarm optimization. It also deprecates the PlotEnvironment class in the environments module.
Merge pull request ljvmiranda921#127 from ljvmiranda921/development Update setup.py classifiers