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jsmsj committed May 12, 2023
1 parent c24a684 commit ac22e80
Showing 7 changed files with 1,667 additions and 1,051 deletions.
314 changes: 314 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
from datetime import datetime
from queue import Queue, Empty
from threading import Thread
from time import time
from urllib.parse import quote

from retrying import retry
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
from curl_cffi.requests import post

from tls_client import Session

cf_clearance = 'xx.xx-1682166681-0-160'
user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'

class PhindResponse:
class Completion:
class Choices:
def __init__(self, choice: dict) -> None:
self.text = choice['text']
self.content = self.text.encode()
self.index = choice['index']
self.logprobs = choice['logprobs']
self.finish_reason = choice['finish_reason']

def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'''<__main__.APIResponse.Completion.Choices(\n text = {self.text.encode()},\n index = {self.index},\n logprobs = {self.logprobs},\n finish_reason = {self.finish_reason})object at 0x1337>'''

def __init__(self, choices: dict) -> None:
self.choices = list(map(self.Choices, choices))

class Usage:
def __init__(self, usage_dict: dict) -> None:
self.prompt_tokens = usage_dict['prompt_tokens']
self.completion_tokens = usage_dict['completion_tokens']
self.total_tokens = usage_dict['total_tokens']

def __repr__(self):
return f'''<__main__.APIResponse.Usage(\n prompt_tokens = {self.prompt_tokens},\n completion_tokens = {self.completion_tokens},\n total_tokens = {self.total_tokens})object at 0x1337>'''

def __init__(self, response_dict: dict) -> None:
self.response_dict = response_dict = response_dict['id']
self.object = response_dict['object']
self.created = response_dict['created']
self.model = response_dict['model']
self.completion = self.Completion(response_dict['choices'])
self.usage = self.Usage(response_dict['usage'])

def json(self) -> dict:
return self.response_dict

class Search:

def __init__(self) -> None:
self.headers = None

sess = Session(client_identifier='chrome_110')

retry_on_exception=lambda e: isinstance(e, JSONDecodeError),
def create(self,prompt: str, actualSearch: bool = True, language: str = 'en-US') -> dict: # None = no search
if user_agent == '':
raise ValueError('user_agent must be set, refer to documentation')
if cf_clearance == '':
raise ValueError('cf_clearance must be set, refer to documentation')

if not actualSearch:
return {
'_type': 'SearchResponse',
'queryContext': {
'originalQuery': prompt
'webPages': {
'webSearchUrl': f'{quote(prompt)}',
'totalEstimatedMatches': 0,
'value': []
'rankingResponse': {
'mainline': {
'items': []

self.headers = {
'authority': '',
'accept': '*/*',
'accept-language': 'en,fr-FR;q=0.9,fr;q=0.8,es-ES;q=0.7,es;q=0.6,en-US;q=0.5,am;q=0.4,de;q=0.3',
'cookie': f'cf_clearance={cf_clearance}',
'origin': '',
'referer': '',
'sec-ch-ua': '"Chromium";v="112", "Google Chrome";v="112", "Not:A-Brand";v="99"',
'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"macOS"',
'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty',
'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors',
'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin',
'user-agent': user_agent

self.sess.headers = self.headers

x ='', headers=self.headers, json={
'q': prompt,
'userRankList': {},
'browserLanguage': language})

return x.json()['rawBingResults']
except JSONDecodeError as e:
raise JSONDecodeError('Error','err',100) from e

class Completion:
def create(
prompt: str = '',
results: dict = None,
creative: bool = False,
detailed: bool = False,
codeContext: str = '',
language: str = 'en') -> PhindResponse:

if user_agent == '':
raise ValueError('user_agent must be set, refer to documentation')

if cf_clearance == '':
raise ValueError('cf_clearance must be set, refer to documentation')

if results is None:
results = Search().create(prompt, actualSearch=True)

if len(codeContext) > 2999:
raise ValueError('codeContext must be less than 3000 characters')

models = {
'gpt-4': 'expert',
'gpt-3.5-turbo': 'intermediate',
'gpt-3.5': 'intermediate',

json_data = {
'question': prompt,
'bingResults': results, # response.json()['rawBingResults'],
'codeContext': codeContext,
'options': {
'skill': models[model],
'language': language,
'detailed': detailed,
'creative': creative

headers = {
'authority': '',
'accept': '*/*',
'accept-language': 'en,fr-FR;q=0.9,fr;q=0.8,es-ES;q=0.7,es;q=0.6,en-US;q=0.5,am;q=0.4,de;q=0.3',
'content-type': 'application/json',
'cookie': f'cf_clearance={cf_clearance}',
'origin': '',
'referer': '',
'sec-ch-ua': '"Chromium";v="112", "Google Chrome";v="112", "Not:A-Brand";v="99"',
'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"macOS"',
'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty',
'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors',
'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin',
'user-agent': user_agent

completion = ''
response = post('', headers=headers, json=json_data, timeout=99999,
for line in response.text.split('\r\n\r\n'):
completion += (line.replace('data: ', ''))

return PhindResponse({
'id': f'cmpl-1337-{int(time())}',
'object': 'text_completion',
'created': int(time()),
'model': models[model],
'choices': [{
'text': completion,
'index': 0,
'logprobs': None,
'finish_reason': 'stop'
'usage': {
'prompt_tokens': len(prompt),
'completion_tokens': len(completion),
'total_tokens': len(prompt) + len(completion)

class StreamingCompletion:
message_queue = Queue()
stream_completed = False
def request(model, prompt, results, creative, detailed, codeContext, language) -> None:

models = {
'gpt-4': 'expert',
'gpt-3.5-turbo': 'intermediate',
'gpt-3.5': 'intermediate',

json_data = {
'question': prompt,
'bingResults': results,
'codeContext': codeContext,
'options': {
'skill': models[model],
'language': language,
'detailed': detailed,
'creative': creative

headers = {
'authority': '',
'accept': '*/*',
'accept-language': 'en,fr-FR;q=0.9,fr;q=0.8,es-ES;q=0.7,es;q=0.6,en-US;q=0.5,am;q=0.4,de;q=0.3',
'content-type': 'application/json',
'cookie': f'cf_clearance={cf_clearance}',
'origin': '',
'referer': '',
'sec-ch-ua': '"Chromium";v="112", "Google Chrome";v="112", "Not:A-Brand";v="99"',
'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"macOS"',
'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty',
'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors',
'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin',
'user-agent': user_agent

headers=headers, json=json_data, timeout=99999, impersonate='chrome110',

StreamingCompletion.stream_completed = True

def create(
model: str = 'gpt-4',
prompt: str = '',
results: dict = None,
creative: bool = False,
detailed: bool = False,
codeContext: str = '',
language: str = 'en'):

if user_agent == '':
raise ValueError('user_agent must be set, refer to documentation')
if cf_clearance == '':
raise ValueError('cf_clearance must be set, refer to documentation')

if results is None:
results = Search().create(prompt, actualSearch=True)

if len(codeContext) > 2999:
raise ValueError('codeContext must be less than 3000 characters')

Thread(target=StreamingCompletion.request, args=[
model, prompt, results, creative, detailed, codeContext, language]).start()

while StreamingCompletion.stream_completed != True or not StreamingCompletion.message_queue.empty():
chunk = StreamingCompletion.message_queue.get(timeout=0)

if chunk == b'data: \r\ndata: \r\ndata: \r\n\r\n':
chunk = b'data: \n\n\r\n\r\n'

chunk = chunk.decode()

chunk = chunk.replace('data: \r\n\r\ndata: ', 'data: \n')
chunk = chunk.replace('\r\ndata: \r\ndata: \r\n\r\n', '\n\n\r\n\r\n')
chunk = chunk.replace('data: ', '').replace('\r\n\r\n', '')

yield PhindResponse({
'id': f'cmpl-1337-{int(time())}',
'object': 'text_completion',
'created': int(time()),
'model': model,
'choices': [{
'text': chunk,
'index': 0,
'logprobs': None,
'finish_reason': 'stop'
'usage': {
'prompt_tokens': len(prompt),
'completion_tokens': len(chunk),
'total_tokens': len(prompt) + len(chunk)

except Empty:

def handle_stream_response(response):
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