Tool to easely making localization for iOS and Android from shared source
Supports both 2 and 3 python versions
At first you need to make directory with localization sources. Source for each language is simple key-value JSON like:
"score" : "Score",
"points" : "You got %s points"
Here is example source directory
Next, you need setup output paths. Make in source directory localization.json
file like:
"ios_path" : "../IosProject/",
"android_path" : "../AndroidProject/app/src/main/res"
It supports absolute and relative paths
Finally, just run locosync
./ %localization_source_dir%
You can setup platform-specific strings:
"string__android" : "This string will be included only in Android",
"string__ios" : "This string will be included only in iOS"