⌨ This library allows you to easily convert Korean keys to English or English keys to Korean on a QWERTY keyboard.
The easiest way to install qwerty-dubeolsik
is with npm.
npm install qwerty-dubeolsik
Alternately, download the source.
git clone https://github.com/stegano/qwerty-dubeolsik.git
Convert a Korean key to its English equivalent using a QWERTY keyboard
convertEngToKor("gksrmf"); // → output: "한글"
convertEngToKor("English"); // → output: "뚜히ㅑ노"
convertKorToEng("한글"); // → output: "gksrmf"
convertKorToEng("뚜히ㅑ노"); // → output: "English"
You can try this library right now ⚡️