@ernsteiswuerfel I pushed 1.52.1 and 1.53.0
please always make a backup with quickpkg once you went up one version successfully, and please never ever use +system-llvm, you can end up in horrible and maybe unfixable circular dependency situations.
with 1.53.0 you can compile librsvg-2.52.5, firefox-96.0 and eapi8 ebuilds such as cbindgen, it seems to be a good base for now untill I figured out what to do with patch 0005-Use-static-native-libraries-when-linking-static-exec.patch
for rust-1.54.0
the in tree dev-lang/rust-1.58.1 ebuild has a dist useflag, where it seems to be possible to emerge it with a freshly packed stage2 archive: Install dist tarballs (used for bootstrapping)
so maybe its possible to use that for getting fresh llvm-13 based stages nativly build