This package provides extended Threading functionality, built on top of the built-in Threading capabilities of .Net.
I recommend using the NuGet package: ExtendedThreading however feel free to clone the source instead if that suits your needs better.
This is used to simplify signalling between threads, e.g. when building the Producer/Consumer pattern:
public class ProducerConsumer<T>
private ThreadSignal _signal = new();
public void Produce(T item){
// produce
_signal.Pulse(); // Inform consumers that a new item is available
public void Consume()
_signal.Wait(); // Will block until an item becomes available
// consume
This is used to ensure mutual exclusion based on keys. E.g. for an API where you want to grant only a single thread access to do PUT requests on a per-id basis to prevent race conditions on a per entity basis:
public class OrderController
private readonly KeyedMutexSynchronizer<OrderId> _synchronizer;
private readonly IOrderService _orderService;
public OrderController(IOrderService orderService, KeyedMutexSynchronizer<OrderId> synchronizer)
_synchronizer = synchronizer;
_orderService = orderService;
public async Task PutAsync(OrderId id, OrderModel model, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// The code in the lambda expression will be protected by a mutex based on OrderId, no two requests with the same OrderId will execute simultaneously, however two requests with different OrderIds will execute simultaneously like normal
await _synchronizer.InvokeSynchronizedActionAsync(id, async () => {
var order = _orderService.GetOrderAsync(id, cancellationToken);
await _orderService.PersistOrderAsync(order, cancellationToken);
}, cancellationToken);
This class only offers one method: WhenAll
. It functions similarly to the built-in Task.WhenAll
in .Net, except for how it handles Exceptions.
This version throws an AggregateException
in case any exceptions occur, to allow you the full picture of all exceptions, instead of just the first one (which is what the
built-in Task.WhenAll
will throw)
This isn't actually called directly, rather it supports awaiting tuples, even of mixed types, e.g.
public Task<string> HelloWorldAsync(); // Returns "Hello world"
public Task<int> MeaningOfLifeAsync(); // Returns 42
var task1 = HelloWorldAsync();
var task2 = MeaningOfLifeAsync();
var results = await (task1, task2);
// results will be "Hello world" and 42 respectively