-- This installs the latest stable release.
-- Set to false or omit to install the latest development version
version = "*",
opts = {
-- See below for config options
This is a list of the options that can be passed to require("hydrate").setup()
with their default values:
-- The interval between notifications in minutes
minute_interval = 20,
-- The render style for notifications
-- Accepted values are "default", "minimal", "simple" or "compact"
render_style = "compact",
-- Loads time of last drink on startup
-- Useful if you don't have long-running neovim instances
-- or if you tend to have multiple instances running at a time
persist_timer = false,
-- Sets the reminder message after "minute_interval" minutes have
-- passed to the the specified message
msg_hydrate_now = " 💧 Time for a drink ",
-- Sets the message after acknowledging the reminder to the
-- specified message
msg_hydrated = " 💧 You've had a drink, timer reset 💧",
-- Sets text displayed before time in minutes for
-- ":HydrateWhen" message
msg_minutes_until = "Drink due in",
- Prints minutes until next drinkHydrateNow
- Tell us you've had a drink so we can reset the timerDrinkInterval
- Set the interval between drinks in minutesHydrateDisable
- Disable hydration remindersHydrateEnable
- Enable hydration reminders
Please read the CONTRIBUTING guide before submitting a pull request.
stand.nvim for the general idea