Zilla Jukebox is a simple server for server music on the internet or your local network.
A jukebox owner can add albums and songs to their Jukebox. Both owners and listeners can search for and browse these albums and songs.
Zilla was developed on Mac OS X (10.6) and has also been tested and deployed on Ubuntu Linux. Any *NIX environment with a recent (2.6+) version of Python should be able to run Zilla. Zilla is not yet compatible with Python3.
So assuming you have a compatible operating system you'll also need the following.
You will need one of each of the following:
You will then need to install the following packages.
PIP and VirtualEnv (and VirtualEnvWrapper) are recommended but not required.
See etc/requirements.txt for all required Python packages and versions.
The core packages are Django, Twisted, BeautifulSoup, PyYaml, and Nose.
For convenience and future extension I've included Fabric, NoseDjango, Nosy, and South.
The directory that contains this file (`README.rst`) is the ZILLA_ROOT directory. Instructions will refer to this directory wherever possible to make it clear where commands should be executed.
a. With virtualenvwrapper
$ mkvirtualenv zilla
b. with just plain virtualenv
$ mkdir ~/virtualenvs $ virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/zilla $ source ~/.virtualenvs/zilla/bin/activate
Let's use Pip and Fabric
$ cd $ZILLA_ROOT $ easy_install pip $ pip install fabric $ fab install
"fab install" will:
1. install the rest of the dependencies with Pip 2. copy the default configuration to ZILLA_ROOT/zilla.conf 3. Run the test suite 4. And if everything runs cleanly it'll create an initial database.
edit $ZILLA_ROOT/zilla.conf and add
# You'll want to substitute your own values for at least # NAME, USER, and PASSWORD below. databases: default: ENGINE: 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2' NAME: 'zilla' USER: 'steder' PASSWORD: 'password' HOST: 'localhost' PORT: '5432'Install Psycopg2:
$ pip install pyscopg2Create the zilla db and create the initial schema and superuser account:
$ cd $ZILLA_ROOT $ createdb zilla $ python zilla/manage.py syncdb
If you're interested in just quickly checking out what Zilla Jukebox looks like you'll maybe be interested in a small sample dataset you can load.
After running syncdb just do the following
$ python zilla/manage.py loaddata etc/sample_fixture.json
Now you'll have a small collection of artists, albums, and songs.
You'll run the server for development or testing with the following command:
$ cd $ZILLA_ROOT $ fab devserver
To run it as a service you'll do:
$ fab daemon
This handles putting the process in the background, writing a PID file so you can find and kill this process later, and setting up logging.
To check out your logs while the server is daemonized you can simply tail the zilla.log file.
$ tail -f $ZILLA_ROOT/zilla.log
To shut down the daemonized service you just need to send the kill signal to the process. You can accomplish that pretty easily with the following one liner.
$ kill `cat zilla.pid`