gpcrn is a command line offline database for GPCR numbering.
gpcrn accepts flexible queries:
- allow single or multiple queries at a time
- allow query by targets and numberings (residues)
- empty target to match all proteins
- empty numbering to match all residues
- supports 4 kinds of target: Protein Symbol, Gene Name, UniProt ID and PDB Entry
gpcrn has knowledge of the following numbering schemes:
- Ballesteros-Weinstein (Class A)
- Wootten (Class B)
- Pin (Class C)
- Wang (Class F)
- Fungal (Class D)
- GPCRdb (Class A)
- GPCRdb (Class B)
- GPCRdb (Class C)
- GPCRdb (Class F)
- GPCRdb (Class D)
- Oliveira
- Baldwin-Schwartz
gpcrn accepts the following ways of input:
- standard input:
- file input:
gpcrn -f queryfile
- input redirect:
gpcrn -f <(cat queryfile)
- pipe input:
cat queryfile | gpcrn
- as script file with header:
#!/usr/local/bin/gpcrn -f
(Linux/Unix only)
Misc options:
- match colorization:
--color auto
- header hiding:
- column hiding:
- assets listing:
-L <asset_type>
- unmatch numbering showing:
- ignore syntax errors:
All systems with compilers in conformance with the C++17 standard, e.g.
- Linux x86_64 and g++ 8.3.1 or higher
- Mac OS X x86_64 and clang 7 or higher
- Windows x86_64 and msvc 19.14 or higher
gpcrn depends on the Program Options
component in Boost C++ Libraries. Boost 1.75.0 was tested. There are several ways to get Boost.
# Note: this will download and build from source
vcpkg install boost-program-options
nuget install boost_program_options-vc142
sudo apt install libboost-program-options-dev
brew install boost
$Url = ""
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($Url, "$env:TEMP\boost.exe")
Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "$env:TEMP\boost.exe" "/SILENT","/SP-","/SUPPRESSMSGBOXES"
Download Boost 1.75 and unpack the archive to boost_1_75_0/include
Build on Linux run:
cd boost_1_75_0/include
./b2 --build-dir=../build/linux_x64 --stagedir=../ -j 8 link=static address-model=64
Or, on Windows run:
cd boost_1_75_0\include
b2 --build-dir=../build/win_x64 --stagedir=../ -j 8 link=static address-model=64
Then add the path of the boost_1_75_0
directory the to the BOOST_ROOT environment variable.
This project uses cross-platform build system CMake to build from source. It detects your environment and decides the most appropriate compiler toolset. The minimum version of CMake required is 3.20
. To build, simply run
cmake -B build
cmake --build build --config Release
The generated objects and executable will be placed in the build
Optionally, on Linux or macOS one may install the output binary to the system (usually /usr/local/bin
) by running
sudo cmake --install build
On Windows, the script should be run without sudo but under Administrator. The executable will be copied to an individual directory under Program Files
Visual Studio 2019 solution and project files are provided. To compile, simply run
msbuild /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release
Or one may open gpcrn.sln
in Visual Studio 2019 and do a full rebuild.
The generated objects will be placed in the obj
folder, and the generated executable will be placed in the bin
First add gpcrn to the PATH environment variable.
To display a full list of available options, simply run the program with the --help
gpcrn --help
See the Features section above for usages in different input ways.