Needlepoint is a dependency injection framework for Node.js and other Javascript environments where ES6 is supported.
Needlepoint is licensed under the MIT license.
Note: This library is very early in development and was largely developed as an exercise, though I intend to use Needlepoint in my own future projects.
Needlepoint requires a Javascript environment such as Node.js. Though the library is designed to use new features such as ES6 classes and the proposed ES7 decorators, Babel is included as a dependency to make the library compatible with environments that do not support these features directly.
To use Needlepoint, install it with npm
npm install --save needlepoint
If you're not using a Javascript environment that supports both ES6 classes and ES7-style decorators (e.g. Node.JS), then you must configure Babel. This can be done pretty easily.
If you are using Babel 5.x, you can simply add ES7 decorators to the opt-in features:
optional: ['es7.decorators']
Because Babel 6 has not entirely implemented ES7 decorators, you must install another NPM package to enable the legacy ES7 decorators (as well as the corresponding presets, which I've included a sample of) and then configure Babel as follows:
npm install --save babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy
presets: ['es2015', 'stage-0', 'stage-1'],
plugins: ['babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy']
After this, you can simply import the container where ever your application needs to inject dependencies:
import {container} from 'needlepoint';
From there, you can resolve dependencies:
import {container} from 'needlepoint';
import {MyDependency} from './my-dependency';
var instanceOfDependency = container.resolve(MyDependency);
You can also declare dependencies of your classes with the @dependencies()
import {container, dependencies} from 'needlepoint';
import {MyDependency} from './my-dependency';
class HasDependencies {
constructor(myDependency) {
this.myDependency = myDependency;
var instance = container.resolve(HasDependencies);
Dependencies of a class are injected through the constructor. The objects passed into the constructor are instances of the requested dependencies.
Or, if you want a class to be a singleton (i.e. only one instance of the class will be created for your entire application):
import {container, singleton} from 'needlepoint';
class SingletonDependency {
constructor() {
If a class is declared to be a @singleton
, then one instance will be created
the first time the class is listed as a dependency or resolved, and this
instance will be cached and used when other classes need an instance of it.
Needlepoint includes a simple test mocking facility for replacing dependencies in a test environment. To use it, import your container from mockableContainer
instead of from the main project. mockableContainer
is a subclass of container
that adds the ability to substitute dependencies:
import {dependencies} from 'needlepoint';
import container from 'needlepoint/dist/mockableContainer';
class MyDependency {
class MockDependency {
class HasDependencies{
constructor(myDependency) {
this.dependency = myDependency;
describe("Mocked dependency", function(){
it("should substitute the real dependency for a fake", function(){
container.substitute(MyDependency, MockDependency);
var obj = container.resolve(HasDependencies);