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A collection of bash scripts that I can share publicly


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Bash Scripts

A collection of bash scripts that I can share publicly.

platform license

Quick Start

Clone this git repo to a fixed location on your computer and add bash-scripts/bin it to your $PATH.

cd ~
git clone bash-scripts
cd bash-scripts/bin
export PATH="$(pwd):$PATH"

Docker App docker-app

When using a dockerized application, you usually run it from a terminal and do all the boring work like port forwarding, mounting directories, starting/stopping/pulling containers, etc.

It is better to prepare everything in a script, and create a desktop shortcut to quickly start/stop the application.

I added a quick way to launch (thanks to all the developers of these apps):

  • Buggregator: ultimate debugging server for PHP
  • Lama Cleaner: image inpainting tool powered by SOTA AI Model
  • MeTube: youtube-dl web UI
  • Mozhi: alternative-frontend for many translation engines
  • SearXNG: privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine
  • Rembg: tool to remove images background
  • ASF: Steam cards farming

For help, run docker-app.

To install an app from the list above, run the first time setup docker-app setup [app-name]. It will create a desktop shortcut at ~/.local/share/applications/[app-name].desktop. When you run this shortcut it starts the container, a second run of this shortcut stops the container.

You can change the mount directory, application port and image tag using env variables, edit the desktop shortcut like this:

Exec=bash -ci "DOCKER_APP_MOUNT_DIR=/custom-path DOCKER_APP_PORT=12345 DOCKER_APP_TAG=latest docker-app interactive [app-name]"

Git Mass git-mass

When you have several git repos in one parent directory, it becomes hard to keep everything up to date. You need to go in every directory and pull one by one.

I created a script that can run git commands on multiple repositories in parallel, including submodules.

hub can be used under the hood.

For help, run git-mass.

I like to run git-mass pull every day when I start work to stay in sync with all repos.

$ pwd

$ ls
git-repo-1 git-repo-2

$ git-mass pull
Pull '/home/user/repos/git-repo-1'

remote: Enumerating objects: 11, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (11/11), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (11/11), done.
remote: Total 11 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
 * [new branch] feature/new-report -> origin/feature/new-report
Already up to date.

'/home/user/repos' done 2 repo(s).

To execute any git command in serial mode, such as git status:

$ git-mass git status
Running 'git status' in '/home/user/repos/git-repo-1'...
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

Running 'git status' in '/home/user/repos/git-repo-1'...
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

PHP After php-after

When you clone an existing repo or create a new repo for a PHP project, you need to do some work, for example:

  • install composer packages,
  • set correct the file permissions (if someone mixed them up),
  • reset git repo to its original state (remove all gitignore files),
  • integrate code style rules,
  • and so on.

This script will help you to do everything in one go.

For help, run php-after.

The main focus is made on Laravel projects.

# add slack integration
php-after laravel slack
# add ide-helper integration
php-after laravel ide
# upgrade the repo to latest laravel version
php-after laravel upgrade
# and many other commands...

PHP Create php-create

When you create a new PHP framework project, the installation script provided by framework team tries to execute composer install, but your local environment may not be compatible with that particular version of the framework. Or you need to install a specific version of the framework, but you don't want to search for the exact command you need to run.

For help, run php-create.

For example, you need to create an old Laravel 5.5 project with Composer v1 support. You will need to prepare an environment just to run composer install. But you can't do that until you get the project files. It's kind of like a race where you have to do something before you can do something else.

That's why I created this script, you just install the project files and then run a certain command in an isolated environment.

# create a new laravel 5.5 skeleton in laravel55 folder
php-create laravel 5.5 laravel55
# go inside
cd laravel55
# prepare the environment (old php version, composer v1, etc.)
touch docker-compose.yml
# and run composer install on the container laravel55
docker-compose exec laravel55 composer install

Systemctl Toggle systemctl-toggle

Sometimes you need to start some systemctl service for a while and then stop it. This script will help you do that without remembering whether you started or stopped it.

For help, run systemctl-toggle.

# start it
sudo systemctl start service-name.service
# and then stop it
sudo systemctl stop service-name.service

# and do the same with my script (run it two times to start/stop)
systemctl-toggle service-name

# for user unit add flag -u
systemctl-toggle service-name -u

WireGuard VPN wireguard-vpn

Script to start/stop WireGuard on your machine by interface name.

For help, run wireguard-vpn.

Zippy zippy

Script to archive a folder including/excluding specific files/folders. Works perfectly for zipping multiple git repos into a single archive, except for large directories that you normally don't need (vendor, node_modules, etc.).

For help, run zippy.


MIT License.