This package performs outdoor GPS waypoint navigation using move_base, robot_localization, gmapping and others. It can navigate while building a map, avoiding obstacles, and can navigate continuous…
This is my translation of Chinese document of Eigen
随机采样一致性算法,是在Ziv Yaniv的c++实现上重新实现了一次,加了中文注释,修正了一个错误。便于理解算法实现
OpenPose: Real-time multi-person keypoint detection library for body, face, hands, and foot estimation
This is a visual-servoing based robot navigation framework tailored for navigating in row-crop fields. It uses the images from two on-board cameras and exploits the regular crop-row structure prese…
cpp implementation of robotics algorithms including localization, mapping, SLAM, path planning and control
Fast symbolic computation, code generation, and nonlinear optimization for robotics
Tooling for professional robotic development in C++ and Python with a touch of ROS, autonomous driving and aerospace.
GUI, CLI, and ROS 2 messages for robot traffic flows in buildings
An open source implementation of MIT Cheetah 3 controllers
Graphic notes on Gilbert Strang's "Linear Algebra for Everyone"
LBFGS-Lite: A header-only L-BFGS unconstrained optimizer.
Mobile ALOHA: Learning Bimanual Mobile Manipulation with Low-Cost Whole-Body Teleoperation
🤖 The Full Process Python Package for Robot Learning from Demonstration and Robot Manipulation
A precise low-drift Visual-Inertial-Leg Odometry for legged robots
ROS support for the MiR Robots. This is a community project to use the MiR Robots with ROS. It is not affiliated with Mobile Industrial Robots.
A build-it-yourself, 6-wheel rover based on the rovers on Mars!
PointNetGPD is an end-to-end grasp evaluation model to address the challenging problem of localizing robot grasp configurations directly from the point cloud.
ROS-LLM is a framework designed for embodied intelligence applications in ROS. It allows natural language interactions and leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) for decision-making and robot contr…