When I run the BoostSRL without "-mlnClause" option, I got the following tree with Drug-Drug Interaction (DDI) dataset.
The location of tree file is "$MY_RESULT_DIR/bRDNs/Trees/InteractsTree0.tree"
My questions are
(1) How to interpret "_"?
Can I understand the first rule
(Interacts(A, _, 0.29566210336691023) :- /* #neg=46 #pos=110 */ TransporterInducer(A, _), TargetInhibitor(A, _), !).
(Interacts(A, B, 0.29566210336691023) :- /* #neg=46 #pos=110 */ TransporterInducer(A, B), TargetInhibitor(A, B), !).
(Interacts(A, B, 0.29566210336691023) :- /* #neg=46 #pos=110 */ TransporterInducer(A, C), TargetInhibitor(A, D), !).
(2) How to interpret "UniqueVar"?
Is the third rule
(Interacts(A, B, 0.4228365702020148) :- /* #neg=110 #pos=190 */ EnzymeInducer(A, UniqueVar1), EnzymeSubstrate(A, UniqueVar1), Enzyme(UniqueVar1, B), !).
same with
(Interacts(A, B, 0.4228365702020148) :- /* #neg=110 #pos=190 */ EnzymeInducer(A, C), EnzymeSubstrate(A, C), Enzyme(C, B), !).
(3) Is there any code or tool to convert from the rules generated by BoostSRL to the rules with Alchemy or Tuffy format?
Thank you,