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|___/ by appak
starg3n is a group of 7 static sites, all connected, allowing anyone to play a curated collection of intresting and high-quality games and tools, which is unlike the slop that can be found on other sites of a similar nature. key features of starg3n are that it can be hosted anywhere you can host a static site, and with some tweaking, can be played from a download of the site(s). starg3n is always under development, leading to a reason to come back, and making a mirror is a simple process, so anyone with a github account and a basic understanding of HTML can set it up quickly, allowing anyone to play starg3n games anywhere, anytime!
setting up a fork of starg3n is quite easy, you just need to fork the repos and change links.
starg3n is composed of multiple repos, 7 to be exact. forking just this repo is pretty much useless, as you'll lose a lot of the intresting parts of starg3n!
to start making a starg3n mirror, read this page: fork setup guide
starg3n's collection doesn't have any of the slop that fills every other game site, which may put off that audience of people just looking to play something quick, but that's not the audience starg3n hopes to draw in. starg3n includes the following games
- spelunky classic
- pico-8
- bitburner
- sandboxels
- beepbox
- gba collection
- sm64 wasm
- hl1
- eaglercraft
- ds emulator
- ps1 emulator
- flash emulator
- cookie clicker
- small one page html games
- fix ui consistency
- finish music collections + add to homepage
- non game tool (music)
this website is a work in progress, if anything isn't working, that means it's being updated. if you need help, make an issue on this repo, or dm me on discord: appakling