Matlab Classify Image Using GoogLeNet see here
Use Alexnet accuracy 97.52%, Googlenet accurarcy 99.44, resnet50 accuracy 89.64% classify 1000 different categories.
We only need six different types of transportation image to be validated
prevent overfitting
reduce model size and prevent overfitting
3.set imageAugmenter = imageDataAugmenter(...) mirroring, translation for imageDatastore to create dataset for augumented Train, validation.
6.start use net_Train = trainNetwork(augumented training datastore, layers, trainingoptions) to get train model(or net).
7.use 20% validation datastore and the net just trained, with classify(net, validationdatastore) to get prediciton scores.
Target: This code is for objects recognition , you can use kaggle dataset.
Enviroment: Matlab
Training model: googlenet_matlab.mat
is validation program.
Just change imagedatastore
's parameter to your test image folder(input image) path.
other things you can do: You can create another objects for training like cat, dog ... ex. ../validation/cat/.. or ../validation/dog/..