I am using this command to get the dependency parsing result of sentence.
java -Xmx8g edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP -annotators tokenize,ssplit,pos,parse \
-tokenize.whitespace true -tokenize.keepeol true -tokenize.language English -ssplit.eolonly true \
-outputFormat text < test.en > test.en.out
When I set the "-outputFormat text ", I only get enhanced plus plus dependencies result, like:
root(ROOT-0, ask-5)
advmod(ask-5, However-1)
punct(ask-5, ,-2)
nsubj(ask-5, I-3)
nsubj(ask-5', I-3)
nsubj(ask-5'', I-3)
nsubj(ask-5''', I-3)
nsubj(ask-5'''', I-3)
nsubj(ask-5''''', I-3)
nsubj(ask-5'''''', I-3)
aux(ask-5, would-4)
conj:or(ask-5, ask-5')
conj:or(ask-5, ask-5'')
conj:or(ask-5, ask-5''')
conj:and(ask-5, ask-5'''')
conj:and(ask-5, ask-5''''')
conj:and(ask-5, ask-5'''''')
But I need basic dependencies or enhancedDependencies result.
How can I get “basic dependencies” or "enhancedDependencies" with the option “-outputFormat text”?