Simple surface 5 channel RC transmitter. The hardware includes nRF24L01+ transceiver and ATmega328P processor. Telemetry monitors receiver voltage using LED indication. The code is Arduino.
This RC transmitter works with RC receiver from my repository RX_nRF24_Motor_Servo
Thank you to "Phil_G" for the calibration and reverse routine I used in the code.
- Normal mode = LED TX is lit
- TX battery voltage 1S LiPo (4.2V) < TX monitored voltage = TX LED flash at a interval of 0.2s
- RX battery voltage 1S LiPo (4.2V) < RX monitored voltage = TX, RX LEDs flash at a interval of 0.5s
- RX receiver off or signal loss = TX LED flash at a interval of 0.1s
- Hold calibration button, switch transmitter TX on, still holding calibration button move all controls to extremes including auxilliary pots.
- Center all controls and aux pots.
- Release calibration button (saved to eeprom).
- To reverse the desired channel, hold the joystick in the end position and turn on the TX transmitter (saved to eeprom).
A0 - joystick 1
A1 - joystick 2
A2 - joystick 3
A3 - joystick 4
A4 - potentiometer 5
D6 - LED
D4 - calibration button (I had to add a 10k resistor -> VCC even when the internal INPUT_PULLUP is activated)
A7 - input TX battery
D9 - CE
D10 - CSN
D11 - MOSI
D12 - MISO
D13 - SCK
- <RF24.h>
- <EEPROM.h> Arduino standard library
- <SPI.h> Arduino standard library