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jgabry committed Jun 13, 2015
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Showing 19 changed files with 607 additions and 0 deletions.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
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Package: loo
Type: Package
Title: Leave-one-out cross-validation, WAIC, very good importance sampling
Version: 0.1
Date: 2015-06-13
Author: Aki Vehtari, Andrew Gelman, Jonah Gabry
Maintainer: Jonah Gabry <>
Description: We compute leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO) using very good importance sampling (VGIS), a new procedure for regularizing importance weights. As a byproduct of our calculations, we also obtain approximate standard errors for estimated predictive errors and for comparing of predictive errors between two models.
License: What license is it under?
LazyData: TRUE
Imports: matrixStats,
Suggests: rstan
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand

13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions R/gpdfit.R
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gpdfit <- function(x) {
n <- length(x)
x <-, method = "quick")
prior <- 3
m <- 80 + floor(sqrt(n)) # note: original paper used m <- 20+floor(sqrt(n))
b <- 1/x[n] + (1 - sqrt(m/seq_min_half(m)))/prior/x[floor(n/4 + 0.5)]
L <- vapply1m(m, function(i) n * lx(b[i], x))
w <- vapply1m(m, function(i) 1/sum(exp(L - L[i])))
b <- sum(b*w)
k <- mean.default(log(1 - b*x))
sigma <- -k/b
list(k=k, sigma=sigma)
68 changes: 68 additions & 0 deletions R/helpers 2.59.03 AM.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
# use matrixStats::colVars instead (much faster b/c written in C++)
# colVars <- function(X) {
# # column variances
# N <- dim(X)[[1]]
# C <- dim(X)[[2]]
# Xbar <- matrix(.colMeans(X, N, C), N, C, byrow = TRUE)
# var <- .colMeans((X - Xbar)^2, N, C) * N / (N - 1)
# var
# }

nlist <- function(...) {
# named lists
m <-
out <- list(...)
no_names <- is.null(names(out))
has_name <- if (no_names) FALSE else nzchar(names(out))
if (all(has_name)) return(out)
nms <- as.character(m)[-1]
if (no_names) {
names(out) <- nms
} else {
names(out)[!has_name] <- nms[!has_name]

unlist_lapply <- function(x, fun) {
unlist(lapply(x, fun), use.names = FALSE)

seq_min_half <- function(n) {
seq_len(n) - 0.5

vapply1m <- function(m, fun) {
vapply(1:m, fun, FUN.VALUE = 0)

lx <- function(a, x) {
k <- mean.default(log(1 - a*x))
log(-a/k) - k - 1

qgpd <- function(p, xi=1, mu=0, beta=1, lower.tail=TRUE){
# Generalized Pareto inverse-cdf (formula from Wikipedia)
if (!lower.tail) p <- 1-p
mu + beta * ((1-p)^(-xi) - 1) / xi

sumlogs <- function(x, dimen=1) {
# log_sum_exp
x_max <- max(x)
if (is.null(dim(x))) return(x_max + log(sum(exp(x-x_max))))
if (dimen == 1) return(x_max + log(colSums(exp(x-x_max))))
x_max + log(rowSums(exp(x-x_max)))

escape_check <- function(x, escape_if_greater_than = 700) {
# find the difference between the largest and 2nd largest values in a matrix
L <- length(x)
x_sorted <- sort(x, method = "quick")[c(1:2, (L-1):L)]
diffs <- vapply(c(1,3), function(i) abs(diff(x_sorted[i:(i+1)])), 0)
if (any(diffs > escape_if_greater_than)) {
message(paste0("Failed. Difference between largest and second largest",
"log-weights is more than ", escape_if_greater_than,"."))
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions R/log_lik.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#' Convenience function for extracting log-likelihood from
#' a \code{stanfit} object.
#' @export
#' @param stanfit a \code{stanfit} (\pkg{rstan}) object.
#' @param parameter_name a character string naming the parameter (generated
#' quantity) in the Stan model corresponding to the log-likelihood.
#' @seealso \code{\link[rstan]{stanfit-class}}
log_lik <- function(stanfit, parameter_name = "log_lik") {
rstan_ok <- requireNamespace("rstan", quietly = TRUE)
if (!rstan_ok) {
message("Please install the rstan package")
rstan::extract(stanfit, parameter_name)[[parameter_name]]

xx <- requireNamespace("rstan", quietly = TRUE)
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions R/loo_and_waic.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#' LOO and WAIC
#' @export
#' @param log_lik an nsims by nobs matrix, typically (but not restricted to be)
#' the object returned by \code{rstan::extract(stanfit, "log_lik")$log_lik}.
#' @return a list.
#' @details Leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO) and the widely applicable
#' information criterion (WAIC) are methods for estimating pointwise out-of-sample
#' prediction accuracy from a fitted Bayesian model using the log-likelihood
#' evaluated at the posterior simulations of the parameter values. LOO and WAIC
#' have various advantages over simpler estimates of predictive error such as
#' AIC and DIC but are less used in practice because they involve additional
#' computational steps. Here we lay out fast and stable computations for LOO and
#' WAIC that can be performed using existing simulation draws. We compute LOO
#' using very good importance sampling (VGIS), a new procedure for regularizing
#' importance weights. As a byproduct of our calculations, we also obtain
#' approximate standard errors for estimated predictive errors and for comparing
#' of pre- dictive errors between two models.
loo_and_waic <- function(log_lik) {
# log_lik should be a matrix with nrow = nsims and ncol = nobs

if (!is.matrix(log_lik)) stop("'log_lik' should be a matrix")
S <- nrow(log_lik)
N <- ncol(log_lik)
lpd <- log(colMeans(exp(log_lik)))
loo <- vgisloo(log_lik)
elpd_loo <- loo$loos
p_loo <- lpd - elpd_loo
looic <- -2 * elpd_loo
p_waic <- matrixStats::colVars(log_lik)
elpd_waic <- lpd - p_waic
waic <- -2 * elpd_waic
nms <- names(pointwise <- nlist(elpd_loo, p_loo, elpd_waic, p_waic, looic, waic))
total <- unlist_lapply(pointwise, sum)
se <- sqrt(N * unlist_lapply(pointwise, var))
output <- as.list(c(total, se))
names(output) <- c(nms, paste0("se_", nms))
output$pointwise <-"cbind", pointwise)
output$pareto_k <- loo$ks
class(output) <- "loo"
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions R/loo_and_waic_diff.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#' Compare
#' @export
#' @param loo1,loo2 lists returned from \code{\link{loo_and_waic}}.

loo_and_waic_diff <- function(loo1, loo2){
N1 <- nrow(loo1$pointwise)
N2 <- nrow(loo2$pointwise)
if (N1 != N2) {
stop(paste("Models being compared should have the same number of data points.",
"Found N1 =", N1, "and N2 =", N2))
sqrtN <- sqrt(N1)
loo_diff <- loo2$pointwise[,"elpd_loo"] - loo1$pointwise[,"elpd_loo"]
waic_diff <- loo2$pointwise[,"elpd_waic"] - loo1$pointwise[,"elpd_waic"]

list(elpd_loo_diff = sum(loo_diff), lpd_loo_diff = sqrtN * sd(loo_diff),
elpd_waic_diff = sum(waic_diff), lpd_waic_diff = sqrtN * sd(waic_diff))
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions R/loo_package.R
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#' Leave-one-out cross-validation and WAIC
#' @description Leave-one-out cross-validation and WAIC
#' @section 1: After fitting a Bayesian model we often want to measure its
#' predictive accuracy, for its own sake or for purposes of model comparison,
#' selection, or averaging (Geisser and Eddy, 1979, Hoeting et al., 1999,
#' Vehtari and Lampinen, 2002, Ando and Tsay, 2010, Vehtari and Ojanen, 2012).
#' Cross- validation and information criteria are two approaches for estimating
#' out-of-sample predictive accu- racy using within-sample fits (Akaike, 1973,
#' Stone, 1977). In this article we consider computations using the
#' log-likelihood evaluated at the usual posterior simulations of the
#' parameters. Computa- tion time for the predictive accuracy measures should be
#' negligible compared to the cost of fitting the model and obtaining posterior
#' draws in the first place. Exact cross-validation requires re-fitting the
#' model with different training sets. Approximate leave-one-out
#' cross-validation (LOO) can be computed easily using importance sampling
#' (Gelfand, Dey, and Chang, 1992, Gelfand, 1996) but the resulting estimate is
#' noisy, as the variance of the importance weights can be large or even
#' infinite (Peruggia, 1997, Epifani et al., 2008). Here we propose a novel
#' approach that provides a more accurate and reliable estimate using importance
#' weights that are smoothed using a Pareto distribution fit to the upper tail
#' of the distribution of importance weights. WAIC (the widely applicable or
#' Watanabe-Akaike information criterion; Watanabe, 2010) can be viewed as an
#' improvement on the deviance information criterion (DIC) for Bayesian models.
#' DIC has gained popularity in recent years in part through its implementation
#' in the graphical modeling package BUGS (Spiegelhalter, Best, et al., 2002;
#' Spiegelhalter, Thomas, et al., 1994, 2003), but it is known to have some
#' problems, arising in part from it not being fully Bayesian in that it is
#' based on a point estimate (van der Linde, 2005, Plummer, 2008). For example,
#' DIC can produce negative estimates of the effective number of parameters in a
#' model and it is not defined for singular models. WAIC is fully Bayesian and
#' closely approximates Bayesian cross-validation. Unlike DIC, WAIC is invariant
#' to parametrization and also works for singular models. WAIC is asymptotically
#' equal to LOO, and can thus be used as an approximation of LOO. In the finite
#' case, WAIC often gives similar estimates as LOO, but for influential
#' observations WAIC underestimates the effect of leaving out one observation.
#' @section 2: One advantage of AIC and DIC is their computational simplicity.
#' In the present paper, we quickly review LOO and WAIC and then present fast
#' and stable computations that can be per- formed directly on posterior
#' simulations, thus allowing these newer tools to enter routine statistical
#' practice. We compute LOO using very good importance sampling (VGIS), a new
#' procedure for regularizing importance weights (Vehtari and Gelman, 2015). As
#' a byproduct of our calculations, we also obtain approximate standard errors
#' for estimated predictive errors and for comparing of predictive errors
#' between two models.
#' @docType package
#' @name loo

62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions R/vgisloo.R
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#' Very good importance sampling
#' @export
#' @param log_lik, wcp, wtrunc arguments.
#' @return a list.
#' @details The distribution of the importance weights used in LOO may have a
#' long right tail. We use the empirical Bayes estimate of Zhang and Stephens
#' (2009) to fit a generalized Pareto distribution to the tail (20% largest
#' importance ratios). By examining the shape parameter k of the fitted Pareto
#' distribution, we are able to obtain sample based estimate of the existence
#' of the moments (Koopman et al, 2009). This extends the diagnostic approach
#' of Peruggia (1997) and Epifani et al. (2008) to be used routinely with
#' IS-LOO for any model with factorising likelihood. Epifani et al. (2008)
#' show that when estimating the leave-one-out predictive density, the central
#' limit theorem holds if the variance of the weight distribution is finite.
#' These results can be extended by using the generalized central limit
#' theorem for stable distributions. Thus, even if the variance of the
#' importance weight distribution is infinite, if the mean exists the
#' estimate’s accuracy improves when additional draws are obtained. When the
#' tail of the weight distribution is long, a direct use of importance
#' sampling is sensitive to one or few largest values. By fitting a
#' generalized Pareto distribution to the upper tail of the importance
#' weights, we smooth these values. The procedure goes as follows:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Fit the generalized Pareto distribution to the 20% largest importance
#' ratios \eqn{r_s} as computed in (6). (The computation is done separately for each
#' held-out data point \eqn{i}.) In simulation experiments with a thousands to tens
#' of thousands of simulation draws, we have found the fit is not sensitive to
#' the specific cutoff value (for a consistent estimation the proportion of
#' the samples above the cutoff should get smaller when the number of draws
#' increases).
#' \item Stabilize the importance ratios by replacing the \eqn{M} largest ratios
#' by the expected values of the order statistics of the fitted generalized
#' Pareto distribution \deqn{G((z - 0.5)/M), z = 1,...,M,}
#' where \eqn{M} is the number of simulation draws used to fit the Pareto (in this
#' case, \eqn{M = 0.2*S}) and \eqn{G} is the inverse-CDF of the generalized
#' Pareto distribution.
#' \item To guarantee finite variance of the estimate, truncate the smoothed
#' ratios with \deqn{S^{3/4}\bar{w},} where \eqn{\bar{w}} is the average of
#' the smoothed weights.
#' }
#' The above steps must be performed for each data point \eqn{i}, thus
#' resulting in a vector of weights \eqn{w_{i}^{s}, s = 1,...,S}, for each
#' \eqn{i}, which in general should be better behaved than the raw importance
#' ratios \eqn{r_{i}^{s}} from which they were constructed.
#' The results can then be combined to compute desired LOO estimates.

vgisloo <- function(log_lik, wcp=20, wtrunc=3/4) {
lw <- -log_lik
temp <- vgislw(lw, wcp, wtrunc)
vglw <- temp$lw
vgk <- temp$k
loos <- sumlogs(log_lik + vglw)
loo <- sum(loos)
list(loo=loo, loos=loos, ks=vgk)
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions R/vgislw.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
#' Doing very good importance sampling
#' @export
#' @param lw,wcp,wtrunc,cores arguments
vgislw <- function(lw, wcp=20, wtrunc=3/4,
cores = parallel::detectCores()) {
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") cores <- 1
loop_fn <- function(i) {
x <- lw[,i]

# divide log weights into body and right tail
n <- length(x)
cutoff <- quantile(x, 1 - wcp/100, names = FALSE)
x_gt_cut <- x > cutoff
x1 <- x[!x_gt_cut]
x2 <- x[x_gt_cut]
n2 <- length(x2)

# store order of tail samples
x2si <- order(x2)

# fit generalized Pareto distribution to the right tail samples
fit <- gpdfit(exp(x2) - exp(cutoff))
k <- fit$k
sigma <- fit$sigma

# compute ordered statistic for the fit
qq <- qgpd(seq_min_half(n2)/n2, xi = k, beta = sigma) + exp(cutoff)

# remap back to the original order
slq <-, n2)
slq[x2si] <- log(qq)

# join body and GPD smoothed tail
qx <- x
qx[!x_gt_cut] <- x1
qx[x_gt_cut] <- slq
if (wtrunc > 0){
# truncate too large weights
lwtrunc <- wtrunc*log(n) - log(n) + sumlogs(qx)
qx[qx > lwtrunc] <- lwtrunc

# renormalize weights
lwx <- qx - sumlogs(qx)

# return log weights and tail index k
list(lwx, k)
K <- ncol(lw)
K2 <- 2*K
out <- parallel::mclapply(1:K, loop_fn, mc.cores = cores)
ux <- unlist(out, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
lw <-, ux[seq(1, K2, 2)])
kss <-, ux[seq(2, K2, 2)])

# return log weights and tail indices k
list(lw=lw, k=kss)
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions R/zzz.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
.onAttach <- function(...) {
ver <- utils::packageVersion("loo")
msg <- paste("loo version", ver)

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