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Folders and files

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License: GPL v3




Design Docs

All decisions are made and tracked via GitHub issues where they and their rationale can be verified publicly. Due to sBTC's critical nature extensive research and planning has been done to ensure all funds remain secure on launch.


Before going any further please review our code of conduct

Tools to Install

This repository is under development and this section may become outdated. Please open a GitHub issue if you believe some tools are missing.

The following are the developer tools that you should install on your local machine in order to build and run the sources in this repository.

Developer shell through nix

If you have nix and flakes installed (e.g. through the DeterminateSystems installer), running the following command will enter a shell with all dependencies installed:

$ nix develop

Tool Versions

This command should check the version of the dependencies required for the sBTC resources to be built and tested.

echo "\n--- sBTC tool versions ---" \
    && cargo --version \
    && cargo lambda --version \
    && echo "pnpm $(pnpm --version)" \
    && make --version | head -n 1

Below is the output on a machine that is able to build and run all the sources and tests.

--- sBTC tool versions ---
cargo 1.84.0 (66221abde 2024-11-19)
cargo-lambda 1.2.1 (12f9b61 2024-04-05Z)
pnpm 9.1.0
GNU Make 3.81


To build the sources we recommend you use the Makefile commands; they'll build the dependencies in the right order.

  • make install - Installs node dependencies
  • make build - Builds packages
  • make lint - Lints packages
  • make clean - Cleans workspace
  • make test - Run non-integration tests
  • make integration-test - Run integration tests.
    • Before running integration tests you must run make integration-env-up
    • After running integration tests you must run make integration-env-down

For other commands read the Makefile at repository root.

Local devenv

A local development network is managed through a Docker Compose file in ./docker/docker-compose.yml. make commands for starting and stopping it are:

  • make devenv-up: Start the network
  • make devenv-down: Stop the network and remove containers and networks

Once running, the following services are available:

Update local docker builds

To rebuild the containers from your current branch you can use:

# Build signers + emily (~2m, if `sbtc-build` was already built)
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml --profile default --profile bitcoin-mempool --profile sbtc-signer build
# Build bridge-website (~2m)
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml build --no-cache sbtc-bridge-website

Note: you may need to disable buildkit (prefixing the commands above with DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0) if you get pull access denied when building the containers on MacOS.

Play with devenv

To interact with the local devenv, ensure you have built latest version (see above) and run devenv with make devenv-up.

Then, wait for everything to be ready:

Once you see the rotate key transaction, everything is ready! Now you can create a deposit request in two ways.

To programmatically fund the signers aggregate key and create a new deposit request, you can run:

./ demo

To use the bridge webapp, you can go to (http://localhost:3010). You will need to get signers info using ./ info, then ensure that on the settings tab you have the correct settings:

Now go to transfer and fund (eg, sending 1 btc) the signers aggregate key bitcoin address (from the command above). You can use the transfer tab to fund the wallet you want to use for the deposits as well.

Finally, go to the deposit tab and issue a new deposit.

Once you submitted a deposit request (either ways), you can follow it:

  • First, on the bitcoin explorer, you can see the deposit tx, and a block later the sweep tx from the signers consuming its output
  • Then, on the stacks explorer, you can see the complete-deposit contract call (to SN3R84XZYA63QS28932XQF3G1J8R9PC3W76P9CSQS), minting the net sBTC to the recipient account.

Cargo Vet CI

This GitHub Actions workflow, Cargo Vet, is designed to automate the vetting of the project dependencies, ensuring they meet security and compliance standards. It runs on every push to the repository and provides detailed feedback if unvetted dependencies are detected.

How to Use This Workflow

  • Automatic Trigger: The workflow runs automatically on every push to the repository. You don't need to manually trigger it unless you want to test it specifically.

  • Reviewing Results: Success: If all dependencies are vetted, the workflow completes successfully, and no further action is required.

  • Failure: Check the GitHub Actions logs for errors and annotations about unvetted dependencies. Download the audit-suggestions.txt artifact from the "Artifacts" section of the GitHub Actions interface for a detailed report.

  • Addressing Unvetted Dependencies: Use the suggestions in the audit-suggestions.txt file to update your dependency audit policies in the supply-chain.toml file.

Running this command you are able to check the suggestions offline:

cargo vet suggest > audit-suggestions.txt

Review the suggestions in audit-suggestions.txt and manually update your supply-chain.toml file to approve or reject dependencies based on your audit.

Git hooks

./devenv/hooks contains Git hooks you can install to run pre-commit checks. You can (optionally) run make install-git-hooks to install them. Be advised: under the hood, the hooks will run make lint, which relies on clippy and rust fmt and might need to download and compile dependencies.

Operating Systems

This project currently supports development on UNIX-based operating systems but does not support development on Windows or z/OS.


See this.