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What is mediaproxy-ng?

The Sipwise NGCP mediaproxy-ng is a proxy for RTP traffic and other UDP based media traffic. It's meant to be used with the Kamailio SIP proxy and forms a drop-in replacement for any of the other available RTP and media proxies.

Currently the only supported platform is GNU/Linux.


  • Media traffic running over either IPv4 or IPv6
  • Bridging between IPv4 and IPv6 user agents
  • TOS/QoS field setting
  • Customizable port range
  • Multi-threaded
  • Advertising different addresses for operation behind NAT
  • In-kernel packet forwarding for low-latency and low-CPU performance
  • Automatic fallback to normal userspace operation if kernel module is unavailable
  • Support for Kamailio's rtpproxy module
  • Legacy support for old OpenSER mediaproxy module

When used through the rtpproxy-ng module, the following additional features are available:

  • Full SDP parsing and rewriting
  • Supports non-standard RTCP ports
  • ICE support:
    • Bridging between ICE-enabled and ICE-unaware user agents
    • Optionally acting only as additional ICE relay/candidate
    • Optionally forcing relay of media streams by removing other ICE candidates
  • SRTP support:
    • Support for SDES
    • AES-CM and AES-F8 ciphers, both in userspace and in kernel
    • HMAC-SHA1 packet authentication
    • Bridging between RTP and SRTP user agents
  • Support for RTCP profile with feedback extensions (RTP/AVPF)
  • Arbitrary bridging between any of the supported RTP profiles (RTP/AVP, RTP/AVPF, RTP/SAVP, RTP/SAVPF)
  • RTP/RTCP multiplexing (RFC 5761) and demultiplexing

Mediaproxy-ng does not (yet) support:

  • Repacketization or transcoding
  • Playback of pre-recorded streams/announcements
  • Recording of media streams
  • ZRTP

Compiling and Installing

On a Debian System

On a Debian system, everything can be built and packaged into Debian packages by executing dpkg-buildpackage (which can be found in the dpkg-dev package) in the main directory. This script will issue an error and stop if any of the dependency packages are not installed.

This will produce a number of .deb files, which can then be installed using the dpkg -i command.

The generated files are (with version 2.3.0 being built on an amd64 system):

  • ngcp-mediaproxy-ng_2.3.0_all.deb

    This is a meta-package, which doesn't contain or install anything on its own, but rather only depends on the other packages to be installed. Not strictly necessary to be installed.

  • ngcp-mediaproxy-ng-daemon_2.3.0_amd64.deb

    This installed the userspace daemon, which is the main workhorse of mediaproxy-ng. This is the minimum requirement for anything to work.

  • ngcp-mediaproxy-ng-dbg_2.3.0_amd64.deb

    Debugging symbols for the daemon. Optional.

  • ngcp-mediaproxy-ng-dev_2.3.0_all.deb

    Development headers from the daemon. Only necessary if additional modules need to be compiled.

  • ngcp-mediaproxy-ng-iptables_2.3.0_amd64.deb

    Installs the plugin for iptables and ip6tables. Necessary for in-kernel operation.

  • ngcp-mediaproxy-ng-kernel-dkms_2.3.0_all.deb

    Kernel module, DKMS version of the package. Recommended for in-kernel operation. The kernel module will be compiled against the currently running kernel using DKMS.

  • ngcp-mediaproxy-ng-kernel-source_2.3.0_all.deb

    If DKMS is unavailable or not desired, then this package will install the sources for the kernel module for manual compilation. Required for in-kernel operation, but only if the DKMS package can't be used.

Manual Compilation

There's 3 parts to mediaproxy-ng, which can be found in the respective subdirectories.

  • daemon

    The userspace daemon and workhorse, minimum requirement for anything to work. Running make will compile the binary, which will be called mediaproxy-ng. The following software packages including their development headers are required to compile the daemon:

    • pkg-config
    • GLib including GThread version 2.x
    • zlib
    • OpenSSL
    • PCRE library
    • libcurl
    • XMLRPC-C version 1.16.08 or higher

    The Makefile contains a few Debian-specific flags, which may have to removed for compilation to be successful. This will not affect operation in any way.

  • iptables-extension

    Required for in-kernel packet forwarding.

    With the iptables development headers installed, issuing make will compile the plugin for iptables and ip6tables. The file will be called and should be copied into the directory /lib/xtables/.

  • kernel-module

    Required for in-kernel packet forwarding.

    Compilation of the kernel module requires the kernel development headers to be installed in /lib/modules/$VERSION/build/, where $VERSION is the output of the command uname -r. For example, if the command uname -r produces the output 3.9-1-amd64, then the kernel headers must be present in /lib/modules/3.9-1-amd64/build/. The last component of this path (build) is usually a symlink somewhere into /usr/src/, which is fine.

    Successful compilation of the module will produce the file xt_MEDIAPROXY.ko. The module can be inserted into the running kernel manually through insmod xt_MEDIAPROXY.ko (which will result in an error if depending modules aren't loaded, for example the x_tables module), but it's recommended to copy the module into /lib/modules/$VERSION/updates/, followed by running depmod -a. After this, the module can be loaded by issuing modprobe xt_MEDIAPROXY.


Userspace Daemon

The daemon supports a number of command-line options, which it will print if started with the --help option and which are reproduced below:

  -v, --version                    Print build time and exit
  -t, --table=INT                  Kernel table to use
  -F, --no-fallback                Only start when kernel module is available
  -i, --ip=IP                      Local IPv4 address for RTP
  -a, --advertised-ip=IP           IPv4 address to advertise
  -I, --ip6=IP6                    Local IPv6 address for RTP
  -A, --advertised-ip6=IP6         IPv6 address to advertise
  -l, --listen-tcp=[IP:]PORT       TCP port to listen on
  -u, --listen-udp=[IP46:]PORT     UDP port to listen on
  -n, --listen-ng=[IP46:]PORT      UDP port to listen on, NG protocol
  -T, --tos=INT                    TOS value to set on streams
  -o, --timeout=SECS               RTP timeout
  -s, --silent-timeout=SECS        RTP timeout for muted
  -p, --pidfile=FILE               Write PID to file
  -f, --foreground                 Don't fork to background
  -m, --port-min=INT               Lowest port to use for RTP
  -M, --port-max=INT               Highest port to use for RTP
  -r, --redis=IP:PORT              Connect to Redis database
  -R, --redis-db=INT               Which Redis DB to use
  -b, --b2b-url=STRING             XMLRPC URL of B2B UA

Most of these options are indeed optional, with two exceptions. It's mandatory to specify a local IPv4 address through --ip, and at least one of the --listen-... options must be given.

The options are described in more detail below.

  • -v, --version

    If called with this option, the mediaproxy-ng daemon will simply print its version number and exit.

  • -t, --table

    Takes an integer argument and specifies which kernel table to use for in-kernel packet forwarding. See the section on in-kernel operation for more detail. Optional and defaults to zero. If in-kernel operation is not desired, a negative number can be specified.

  • -F, --no-fallback

    Will prevent fallback to userspace-only operation if the kernel module is unavailable. In this case, startup of the daemon will fail with an error if this option is given.

  • -i, --ip, -I, --ip6

    Takes an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address as argument, respectively. Specifies the local interfaces to use for packet forwarding and to allocate UDP ports from. IPv4 address is mandatory, IPv6 is optional and will result in IPv6 not being available if not specified.

  • -a, --advertised-ip, -A, --advertised-ip6

    Takes an IPv4 address and an IPv6 address as argument, respectively. Optional. If specified, mediaproxy-ng will advertise addresses different from those given in the --ip and --ip6 options as its local address. This is useful for operation behind NAT.

  • -l, --listen-tcp, -u, --listen-udp, -n, --listen-ng

    These options each enable one of the 3 available control protocols if given and each take either just a port number as argument, or an address:port pair, separated by colon. At least one of these 3 options must be given.

    The tcp protocol is obsolete. It was used by old versions of OpenSER and its mediaproxy module. It's provided for backwards compatibility.

    The udp protocol is used by Kamailio's rtpproxy module. In this mode, mediaproxy-ng can be used as a drop-in replacement for any other compatible RTP proxy.

    The ng protocol is an advanced control protocol and can be used with Kamailio's rtpproxy-ng module. With this protocol, the complete SDP body is passed to mediaproxy-ng, rewritten and passed back to Kamailio. Several additional features are available with this protocol, such as ICE handling, SRTP bridging, etc.

    It is recommended to specify not only a local port number, but also as interface to bind to.

  • -t, --tos

    Takes an integer as argument and if given, specifies the TOS value that should be set in outgoing packets. The default is to leave the TOS field untouched. A typical value is 184 (Expedited Forwarding).

  • -o, --timeout

    Takes the number of seconds as argument after which a media stream should be considered dead if no media traffic has been received. If all media streams belonging to a particular call go dead, then the call is removed from mediaproxy-ng's internal state table. Defaults to 60 seconds.

  • -s, --silent-timeout

    Ditto as the --timeout option, but applies to muted or inactive media streams. Defaults to 3600 (one hour).

  • -p, --pidfile

    Specifies a path and file name to write the daemon's PID number to.

  • -f, --foreground

    If given, prevents the daemon from daemonizing, meaning it will stay in the foreground. Useful for debugging.

  • -m, --port-min, -M, --port-max

    Both take an integer as argument and together define the local port range from which mediaproxy-ng will allocate UDP ports for media traffic relay. Default to 30000 and 40000 respectively.

  • -r, --redis, -R, --redis-db, -b, --b2b-url

    NGCP-specific options

A typical command line (enabling both UDP and NG protocols) thus may look like:

/usr/sbin/mediaproxy-ng --table=0 --ip= --ip6=2001:db8::4f3:3d \
--listen-udp= --listen-ng= --tos=184 \

In-kernel Packet Forwarding

In normal userspace-only operation, the overhead involved in processing each individual RTP or media packet is quite significant. This comes from the fact that each time a packet is received on a network interface, the packet must first traverse the stack of the kernel's network protocols, down to locating a process's file descriptor. At this point the linked user process (the daemon) has to be signalled that a new packet is available to be read, the process has to be scheduled to run, once running the process must read the packet, which means it must be copied from kernel space to user space, involving an expensive context switch. Once the packet has been processed by the daemon, it must be sent out again, reversing the whole process.

All this wouldn't be a big deal if it wasn't for the fact that RTP traffic generally consists of many small packets being tranferred at high rates. Since the forwarding overhead is incurred on a per-packet basis, the ratio of useful data processed to overhead drops dramatically.

For these reasons, mediaproxy-ng provides a kernel module to offload the bulk of the packet forwarding duties from user space to kernel space. Using this technique, a large percentage of the overhead can be eliminated, CPU usage greatly reduced and the number of concurrent calls possible to be handled increased.

In-kernel packet forwarding is implemented as an iptables module (or more precisely, an x_tables module). As such, it comes in two parts, both of which are required for proper operation. One part is the actual kernel module called xt_MEDIAPROXY. The second part is a plugin to the iptables and ip6tables command-line utilities to make it possible to actually add the required rule to the tables.


In short, the prerequisites for in-kernel packet forwarding are:

  1. The xt_MEDIAPROXY kernel module must be loaded.
  2. An iptables and/or ip6tables rule must be present in the INPUT chain to send packets to the MEDIAPROXY target. This rule should be limited to UDP packets, but otherwise there are no restrictions.
  3. The mediaproxy-ng daemon must be running.
  4. All of the above must be set up with the same forwarding table ID (see below).

The sequence of events for a newly established media stream is then:

  1. The SIP proxy (e.g. Kamailio) controls mediaproxy-ng and informs it about a newly established call.
  2. The mediaproxy-ng daemon allocates local UDP ports and sets up preliminary forward rules based on the info received from the SIP proxy. Only userspace forwarding is set up, nothing is pushed to the kernel module yet.
  3. An RTP packet is received on the local port.
  4. It traverses the iptables chains and gets passed to the xt_MEDIAPROXY module.
  5. The module doesn't recognize it as belonging to an established stream and thus ignores it.
  6. The packet continues normal processing and eventually ends up in the daemon's receive queue.
  7. The daemon reads it, processes it and forwards it. It also updates some internal data.
  8. This userspace-only processing and forwarding continues for a little while, during which time information about additional streams and/or endpoints may be obtained from the SIP proxy.
  9. After a few seconds, when the daemon is satisfied with what it has learned about the media endpoints, it pushes the forwarding rules to the kernel.
  10. From this moment on, the kernel module will recognize incoming packets belonging to those streams and will forward them on its own. It will stop those packets from traversing the network stacks any further, so the daemon will not see them any more on its receive queues.
  11. In-kernel forwarding is allowed to cease to work at any given time, either accidentally (e.g. by removal of the iptables rule) or deliberatly (the daemon will do so in case of a re-invite), in which case forwarding falls back to userspace-only operation.

The Kernel Module

The kernel module supports multiple forwarding tables (not to be confused with the tables managed by iptables), which are identified through their ID number. By default, up to 64 forwarding tables can be created and used, giving them the ID numbers 0 through 63.

Each forwarding table can be thought of a separate proxy instance. Each running instance of the mediaproxy-ng daemon controls one such table, and each table can only be controlled by one running instance of the daemon at any given time. In the most common setup, there will be only a single instance of the daemon running and there will be only a single forwarding table in use, with ID zero.

The kernel module can be loaded with the command modprobe xt_MEDIAPROXY. With the module loaded, a new directory will appear in /proc/, namely /proc/mediaproxy/. After loading, the directory will contain only two pseudo-files, control and list. The control file is write-only and is used to create and delete forwarding tables, while the list file is read-only and will produce a list of currently active forwarding tables. With no tables active, it will produce an empty output.

The control pseudo-file supports two commands, add and del, each followed by the forwarding table ID number. To manually create a forwarding table with ID 42, the following command can be used:

echo 'add 42' > /proc/mediaproxy/control

After this, the list pseudo-file will produce the single line 42 as output. This will also create a directory called 42 in /proc/mediaproxy/, which contains additional pseudo-files to control this particular forwarding table.

To delete this forwarding table, the command del 42 can be issued like above. This will only work if no mediaproxy-ng daemon is currently running and controlling this table.

Each subdirectory /proc/mediaproxy/$ID/ corresponding to each fowarding table contains the pseudo-files blist, control, list and status. The control file is write-only while the others are read-only. The control file will be kept open by the mediaproxy-ng daemon while it's running to issue updates to the forwarding rules during runtime. The daemon also reads the blist file on a regular basis, which produces a list of currently active forwarding rules together with their stats and other details within that table in a binary format. The same output, but in human-readable format, can be obtained by reading the list file. Lastly, the status file produces a short stats output for the forwarding table.

Manual creation of forwarding tables is normally not required as the daemon will do so itself, however deletion of tables may be required after shutdown of the daemon or before a restart to ensure that the daemon can create the table it wants to use.

The kernel module can be unloaded through rmmod xt_MEDIAPROXY, however this only works if no forwarding table currently exists and no iptables rule currently exists.

The iptables module

In order for the kernel module to be able to actually forward packets, an iptables rule must be set up to send packets into the module. Each such rule is associated with one forwarding table. In the simplest case, for forwarding table 42, this can be done through:

iptables -I INPUT -p udp -j MEDIAPROXY --id 42

If IPv6 traffic is expected, the same should be done using ip6tables.

It is possible but not strictly necessary to restrict the rules to the UDP port range used by mediaproxy-ng, e.g. by supplying a parameter like --dport 30000:40000. If the kernel module receives a packet that it doesn't recognize as belonging to an active media stream, it will simply ignore it and hand it back to the network stack for normal processing.


A typical start-up sequence including in-kernel forwarding might look like this:

# this only needs to be one once after system (re-) boot
modprobe xt_MEDIAPROXY
iptables -I INPUT -p udp -j MEDIAPROXY --id 0
ip6tables -I INPUT -p udp -j MEDIAPROXY --id 0

# ensure that the table we want to use doesn't exist - usually needed after a daemon
# restart, otherwise will error
echo 'del 0' > /proc/mediaproxy/control

# start daemon
/usr/sbin/mediaproxy-ng --table=0 --ip= --ip6=2001:db8::4f3:3d \
--listen-ng= --tos=184 --pidfile=/var/run/ --no-fallback

Running Multiple Instances

In some cases it may be desired to run multiple instances of mediaproxy-ng on the same machine, for example if the host is multi-homed and has multiple usable network interfaces with different addresses. This is supported by running multiple instances of the daemon using different command-line options (different local addresses and different listening ports), together with multiple different kernel forwarding tables.

For example, if one local network interface has address and another has address, then the start-up sequence might look like this:

modprobe xt_MEDIAPROXY
iptables -I INPUT -p udp -d -j MEDIAPROXY --id 0
iptables -I INPUT -p udp -d -j MEDIAPROXY --id 1

echo 'del 0' > /proc/mediaproxy/control
echo 'del 1' > /proc/mediaproxy/control

/usr/sbin/mediaproxy-ng --table=0 --ip= \
--listen-ng= --tos=184 --pidfile=/var/run/ --no-fallback
/usr/sbin/mediaproxy-ng --table=1 --ip= \
--listen-ng= --tos=184 --pidfile=/var/run/ --no-fallback

With this setup, the SIP proxy can choose which instance of mediaproxy-ng to talk to and thus which local interface to use by sending its control messages to either port 2223 or port 2224.

The ng Control Protocol

In order to enable several advanced features in mediaproxy-ng, a new advanced control protocol has been devised which passes the complete SDP body from the SIP proxy to the mediaproxy-ng daemon, has the body rewritten in the daemon, and then passed back to the SIP proxy to embed into the SIP message.

This control protocol is based on the bencode standard and runs over UDP transport. Bencoding supports a similar feature set as the more popular JSON encoding (dictionaries/hashes, lists/arrays, arbitrary byte strings) but offers some benefits over JSON encoding, e.g. simpler and more efficient encoding, less encoding overhead, deterministic encoding and faster encoding and decoding. A disadvantage over JSON is that it's not a readily human readable format.

Each message passed between the SIP proxy and the media proxy contains of two parts: a message cookie, and a bencoded dictionary, separated by a single space. The message cookie serves the same purpose as in the control protocol used by Kamailio's rtpproxy module: matching requests to responses, and retransmission detection. The message cookie in the response generated to a particular request therefore must be the same as in the request.

The dictionary of each request must contain at least one key called command. The corresponding value must be a string and determines the type of message. Currently the following commands are defined:

  • ping
  • offer
  • answer
  • delete
  • query
  • start recording

The response dictionary must contain at least one key called result. The value can be either ok or error. For the ping command, the additional value pong is allowed. If the result is error, then another key error-reason must be given, containing a string with a human-readable error message. No other keys should be present in the error case. If the result is ok, the optional key warning may be present, containing a human-readable warning message. This can be used for non-fatal errors.

For readabilty, all data objects below are represented in a JSON-like notation and without the message cookie. For example, a ping message and its corresponding pong reply would be written as:

{ "command": "ping" }
{ "result": "pong" }

While the actual messages as encoded on the wire, including the message cookie, might look like this:

5323_1 d7:command4:pinge
5323_1 d6:result4:ponge

All keys and values are case-sensitive unless specified otherwise. The requirement stipulated by the bencode standard that dictionary keys must be present in lexicographical order is not currently honoured.

The ng protocol is used by the rtpproxy-ng module, currently available from the Sipwise Kamailio repository as a patch file.

ping Message

The request dictionary contains no other keys and the reply dictionary also contains no other keys. The only valid value for result is pong.

offer Message

The request dictionary must contain at least the following keys:

  • sdp

    Contains the complete SDP body as string.

  • call-id

    The SIP call ID as string.

  • from-tag

    The SIP From tag as string.

Optionally included keys are:

  • via-branch

    The SIP Via branch as string. Used to additionally refine the matching logic between media streams and calls and call branches.

  • flags

    The value of the flags key is a list. The list contains zero or more of the following strings:

    • trust address

      If given, the media addresses from the SDP body are trusted as correct endpoints. Otherwise, the address is taken from the received from key. Corresponds to the rtpproxy r flag. Can be overridden through the media address key.

    • symmetric

      Corresponds to the rtpproxy w flag. Not used by mediaproxy-ng.

    • asymmetric

      Corresponds to the rtpproxy a flag. Not used by mediaproxy-ng.

  • replace

    Similar to the flags list. Controls which parts of the SDP body should be rewritten. Contains zero or more of:

    • origin

      Replace the address found in the origin (o=) line of the SDP body. Corresponds to rtpproxy o flag.

    • session connection

      Replace the address found in the session-level connection (c=) line of the SDP body. Corresponds to rtpproxy c flag.

  • direction

    Contains a list of zero, one or two elements, and corresponds to the rtpproxy e and i flags. Each element may be either the string internal or external. For example, if side A is considered to be on the external network and side B on the internal network (which in the rtpproxy module would be specified as flags ei), then that would be rendered within the dictionary as:

      { ..., "direction": [ "external", "internal" ], ... }

    Mediaproxy-ng uses the direction to implement bridging between IPv4 and IPv6: internal is seen as IPv4 and external as IPv6.

  • received from

    Contains a list of exactly two elements. The first element denotes the address family and the second element is the SIP message's source address itself. The address family can be one of IP4 or IP6. Used if neither the trust address flag nor the media address key is present.

  • ICE

    Contains a string, valid values are either remove or force. With remove, any ICE attributes are stripped from the SDP body. With force, ICE attributes are first stripped, then new attributes are generated and inserted, which leaves the media proxy as the only ICE candidate. The default behavior (no ICE key present at all) is: if no ICE attributes are present, a new set is generated and the media proxy lists itself as ICE candidate; otherwise, the media proxy inserts itself as a low-priority candidate.

    This flag operates independently of the replace flags.

  • transport protocol

    The transport protocol specified in the SDP body is to be rewritten to the string value given here. The media proxy will expect to receive this protocol on the allocated ports, and will talk this protocol when sending packets out. Translation between different transport protocols will happen as necessary.

    Valid values are: RTP/AVP, RTP/AVPF, RTP/SAVP, RTP/SAVPF.

  • media address

    This can be used to override both the addresses present in the SDP body and the received from address. Contains either an IPv4 or an IPv6 address, expressed as a simple string. The format must be dotted-quad notation for IPv4 or RFC 5952 notation for IPv6. It's up to the RTP proxy to determine the address family type.

An example of a complete offer request dictionary could be (SDP body abbreviated):

{ "command": "offer", "call-id": "cfBXzDSZqhYNcXM", "from-tag": "mS9rSAn0Cr",
"sdp": "v=0\r\no=...", "via-branch": "5KiTRPZHH1nL6",
"flags": [ "trust address" ], "replace": [ "origin", "session connection" ],
"direction": [ "external", "external" ], "received-from": [ "IP4", "" ],
"ICE": "force", "transport protocol": "RTP/SAVPF", "media address": "2001:d8::6f24:65b" }

The response message only contains the key sdp in addition to result, which contains the re-written SDP body that the SIP proxy should insert into the SIP message.

Example response:

{ "result": "ok", "sdp": "v=0\r\no=..." }

answer Message

The answer message is identical to the offer message, with the additional requirement that the dictionary must contain the key to-tag containing the SIP To tag. It doesn't make sense to include the direction key in the answer message.

The reply message is identical as in the offer reply.

delete Message

The delete message must contain at least the keys call-id and from-tag and may optionally include to-tag and via-branch, as defined above. It may also optionally include a key flags containing a list of zero or more strings. The following flags are defined:

  • fatal

    Specifies that any non-syntactical error encountered when deleting the stream (such as unknown call-ID) shall result in an error reply (i.e. "result": "error"). The default is to reply with a warning only (i.e. "result": "ok", "warning": ...).

The reply message may contain additional keys with statistics about the deleted call. Those additional keys are the same as used in the query reply.

query Message

The minimum requirement is the presence of the call-id key. Keys from-tag and/or to-tag may optionally be specified.

The response dictionary contains the following keys:

  • created

    Contains an integer corresponding to the creation time of this call within the media proxy, expressed as seconds since the UNIX epoch.

  • streams


    Contains a list of media streams associated with this call. Each list element corresponds to one bi-directional media stream and is itself a list with two elements. The first element of each sub-list corresponds to side A of the media stream, the second element corresponds to side B. Each element of the sub-list is a dictionary with the following keys:

    • tag

      The SIP tag (either From or To tag depending on side A or B)

    • codec

      The codec is the media stream, if known.

    • status

      A human readable description of the stream's status, such as in kernel or unknown peer address.

    • stats

      A dictionary with two elements, rtp and rtcp. Each in turn contains the following keys:

      • counters

        Contains another dictionary with counters (each encoded as integers) for packets, bytes and errors.

      • peer address

        Contains a dictionary describing the peer's family (address family) as either IPv4 or IPv6, the address in human-readable string encoding, and port encoded as integer.

      • advertised peer address

        Identical to peer address, but contains whatever endpoint was advertised in the SDP body.

      • local port

        The local port allocated by the media proxy expressed as an integer.

  • totals

    Contains a dictionary with two keys, input and output. Each value contains a dictionary with two keys, rtp and rtcp. Each value in turn is identical to the counters key described above.

A complete response message might look like this (formatted for readability):

  "created": 1373052990,
  "result": "ok",
  "streams": [
        "codec": "G711u",
        "stats": {
          "rtcp": {
            "advertised peer address": {
              "address": "",
              "family": "IPv4",
              "port": 43007
            "counters": {
              "bytes": 792,
              "errors": 0,
              "packets": 12
            "local port": 40059,
            "peer address": {
              "address": "",
              "family": "IPv4",
              "port": 43007
          "rtp": {
            "advertised peer address": {
              "address": "",
              "family": "IPv4",
              "port": 43006
            "counters": {
              "bytes": 265408,
              "errors": 0,
              "packets": 1508
            "local port": 40058,
            "peer address": {
              "address": "",
              "family": "IPv4",
              "port": 43006
        "status": "confirmed peer address",
        "tag": "Ao5Tg1fidmnZRhn"
        "codec": "G711u",
        "stats": {
          "rtcp": {
            "advertised peer address": {
              "address": "2001:db8::6f24:65b",
              "family": "IPv6",
              "port": 7183
            "counters": {
              "bytes": 624,
              "errors": 0,
              "packets": 12
            "local port": 40061,
            "peer address": {
              "address": "2001:db8::6f24:65b",
              "family": "IPv6",
              "port": 7183
          "rtp": {
            "advertised peer address": {
              "address": "2001:db8::6f24:65b",
              "family": "IPv6",
              "port": 7182
            "counters": {
              "bytes": 259376,
              "errors": 0,
              "packets": 1508
            "local port": 40060,
            "peer address": {
              "address": "2001:db8::6f24:65b",
              "family": "IPv6",
              "port": 7182
        "status": "confirmed peer address",
        "tag": "DiQOJkgsesbFYpC"
  "totals": {
    "input": {
      "rtcp": {
        "bytes": 792,
        "errors": 0,
        "packets": 12
      "rtp": {
        "bytes": 265408,
        "errors": 0,
        "packets": 1508
      "output": {
        "rtcp": {
          "bytes": 624,
          "errors": 0,
          "packets": 12
        "rtp": {
          "bytes": 259376,
          "errors": 0,
          "packets": 1508

start recording Message

The start recording message must contain at least the key call-id and may optionally include from-tag, to-tag and via-branch, as defined above. The reply dictionary contains no additional keys.

This is not implemented by mediaproxy-ng.


Kernel-based media relay for Kamailio







No packages published