All code has been tested on Windows 10, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 and pytorch 0.4.1
- Clone from github:
git clone
To test style transfer on relu_41 features
To test style transfer on relu_31 features
python --vgg_dir models/vgg_r31.pth --decoder_dir models/dec_r31.pth --matrixPath models/r31.pth --layer r31
Pre-trained model with the original loss function has been saved to models/original_r31.pth Default output directory is Artistic. Change output directory by adding option --outf OUTPUT_DIR
- MSCOCO - Content Images
- WikiArt - Style Images
- Either manually download from kaggle.
- Or install kaggle-cli and download by running:
kg download -u <username> -p <password> -c painter-by-numbers -f
To train a model that transfers relu4_1 features, run:
python --vgg_dir models/vgg_r41.pth --decoder_dir models/dec_r41.pth --layer r41 --contentPath PATH_TO_MSCOCO --stylePath PATH_TO_WikiArt --outf OUTPUT_DIR
To train a model that transfers relu3_1 features:
python --vgg_dir models/vgg_r31.pth --decoder_dir models/dec_r31.pth --layer r31 --contentPath PATH_TO_MSCOCO --stylePath PATH_TO_WikiArt --outf OUTPUT_DIR
Key hyper-parameters:
- style_layers: which features to compute style loss.
- style_weight: larger style weight leads to heavier style in transferred images.
Intermediate results and weight will be stored in OUTPUT_DIR
Code cloned from LinearStyleTransfer by sunshineatnoon. Referenced TensorFlow version of histogram loss by rejunity for PyTorch implementation for my new loss function.
- Added options for user to input histogram layers, histogram loss weight, number of histogram bins, total variational loss layers and total variational loss weight.
- Modified loss criterion call to pass in extra parameters for histogram and total variational loss
- libs/
- Added class histogramLoss() to calculate histogram loss between transformed output features and input style features at different style layers.
- Added functions to compress and decompress features to fit data better.
- Added a function to feature-wise match the histogram of transformed output features to input style features.
- Added class tvLoss() to calculate the total variational loss
- Added class histogramLoss() to calculate histogram loss between transformed output features and input style features at different style layers.
- libs/
- Added function matchHistogram() to match the histogram of transformed output features to input style features.
- Added function linearInterpolation() to calculate the remapped values using linear interpolation.
- Added function sortSearch() to get the indices of the values to be searched in the histogram bins.
- Added function fixedWidthHistogram() to map values to within a fixed width of histogram bins.
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