Our objective is to achieve higher compression in images by retaining only the essential features that are useful to a given computer vision system. For instance, given a computer vision system like Inception v3 (a state of the art object detection neural network), the modified image compression technique should produce a compressed image that is sufficient enough for the Inception v3 to detect the semantically important objects. We propose two such approaches -
* Depth map based JPEG encoder (d-JPEG) - Compressed images retain information in the form perceivable by humans and computer vision system.
* Image Compression for Object Detection - Information in the compressed images will be perceivable only by the target computer vision system.
We resused some of the modules from Dense Depth and Semantic Image compression technique.
Model - NYU Depth V2 download and place it in the models directory.
To generate the depth maps for the images in the examples dir,
python3 test.py
The generated depth-map files will be stored in the depth-map dir.
To compress the input images using depth map,
python3 combine_images.py
You can find the image files compressed using depth map and jpeg (original) in the output dir.
We used parts of code from pytorch-image-comp-rnn for Full Resolution Image Compression network and PyTorch_CIFAR10 for Inception v3 trained model. Dataset was obtained from CIFAR-10 Dataset.
python train.py -f <path/to/dataset>
python encoder.py --model <path/to/encoder/checkpoint> --input <path/to/dataset> --output <path/to/save/output/compressed> --true <path/to/save/true/images>