Data Structures And Algorithm Programs
- Language: Java
- DynamicIntArray
- Stream API
- Collections Utility Class
- List
- LinkedList, DoubleLinkedList & CircularLinkedList
- HashMap
- Queue, Dequeue & PriorityQueue
- Stack
- BinaryTreeNode sample / example class
- BinaryTree Basics
- BinarySearchTree
- Union Find / Disjoint Set Union DSU
- AnnotationType
- Enum Types & Conversions
- FunctionalInterface
- Record
- InvertBinaryTree
- BinaryTreeInOrderTraversal
- ValidateBinarySearchTree
- SymmetricTree
- BinaryTree LevelOrderTraversal
- BinaryTree using PreOrder & InOrder Traversals
- SortedArray to BinarySearchTree
- Flatten BinaryTree to LinkedList
- BinaryTree RightSideView
- Kth Smallest Element in BST
- LowestCommonAncestor LCA
- PathSumIII
- Diameter of BinaryTree
- Fibonacci_DP_Recursive_Backtracking
- Fibonacci_DP_TopDown_Memoization
- Fibonacci_DP_BottomUp_Tabulation
- Fibonacci_DP_BottomUp_NoMemory
- LongestPalindromicSubstring
- LongestValidParenthesis
- UniquePaths
- MinimumPathSum
- ClimbingStairs
- Levenshtein Distance Algorithm - EditDistance
- PascalsTriangle
- WordBreak
- MaximumProductSubArray
- HouseRobber
- LongestIncreasingSubsequence
- PerfectSquares
- CoinChange
- PartitionEqualSubsetSum
- LongestCommonSubsequence
- Maximum possible stability of any subset of servers
- MiddleOfTheLinkedList
- Reverse LinkedList
- Zipper LinkedLists
- AddTwoNumbers
- Remove Nth Node From End of List
- Merge Two Sorted Lists
- Merge k Sorted Lists
- Swap Nodes In Pairs
- Reverse Nodes in k-Group
- Copy/Clone ListWithRandomPointer
- LinkedListCycle
- LinkedListCycle 2
- SortList
- LRUCache
- IntersectionOfTwoLinkedLists
- PalindromeLinkedList
- Hiring Process
- Check out my "Amazon Interview Process" personal Google Keep notes
- LeetCode Amazon top questions
- GiftingGroups
- OptimizingBoxWeights
- MinimumNumberOfSwapsToSort
- Parentheses perfection kit
- Maximum possible stability of any subset of servers
- Binary String to Palindrome
- From my LeetCode experience- leetcode/srinivasvadige
- Hackerrank
- Personal experience and research
- Official java documentations, blogs
- WilliamFiset - YT Data structures playlist
- - Strivers A2Z DSA Course/Sheet
- GFG DSA course
- FCC DSA course with 48hrs YT video
- GFG interview DSA FAQs
- Columbia University DSA Research Papers
Author: Srinivas Vadige
My Leetcode profile:
This repository is released under the MIT license. In short, this means you are free to use this software in any personal, open-source or commercial projects. Attribution is optional but appreciated.
Other Github project (williamfiset/Algorithms and MaRuifeng/DummyLovesAlgorithms)
- Integer Array
- Find the largest sub-array sum of a given integer array
- Find the largest absolute difference of two non-overlapping sub-arrays of a given integer array
- Find total number of reverse pairs in a given integer array
- Find the largest sum of a sub-array with size K in a given integer array
- Find the k'th smallest item from a given array of distinct integers
- Find number pairs each of which sums up to a fixed value from an integer array
- All hail Recursion! Find required add and subtract operations to produce a fixed sum
- Find the greatest common divisor of an array of integers
- Print numbers along matrix diagonals
- Print spiral numbers
- Bitwise operations
- Merge sorted integer arrays
- All hail Recursion! Find all subsets of an integer set
- Patch a given array to produce list of sums from 1 to N
- Binary search in a sorted array rotated at an unknown pivot
- All hail Recursion! Number permutation
- All hail Recursion! Number combination
- Random number with different entropies
- Binary search in matrix
- Multiple-Condition Check Insert intervals
- Reverse an integer number
- Recover a rotated sorted array
- NP Hard Bin packing problem
- Boyer–Moore Majority Vote Algorithm Find majority numbers
- Monkey crossing river
- Number of ways to sum up to a given number with consecutive positive integers
- Array based circular queue
- Linked List
- Dynamic Programming
- Fibonacci Numbers
- Binomial Coefficients
- Catalan Numbers Find all expressions of balanced n pairs of parentheses
- Coin change problems
- Number of possible combinations for given sum
- List of possible combinations for given sum
- Least number of coins needed for given sum
- Number arrangements to get a fixed sum
- Maximum sub-array sum
- Ugly Numbers
- Maximum stock profit
- Digit sequence decoder
- Longest common subsequence
- Longest common substring
- Longest increasing subsequence
- Edit distance algorithm
- Set partition for minimum sum difference
- Distance and steps
- Longest path in matrix
- NP-Complete Subset of fixed sum
- Optimal coin game strategy
- Minimum insertions for palindrome
- NP-Complete 0-1 Knapsack problem
- Wildcard pattern match check
- Beware of integer overflow! Boolean parenthesization
- DP Enhancement Find required add and subtract operations to produce a fixed sum
- Shortest common supersequence
- Least arithmetic operations for matrix chain multiplication
method override Rod cutting for maximum gain- Resolve a string with dictionary words
- Rope cutting for maximum length product
- Dice rolling for fixed sum
- Egg dropping puzzle
- K non-overlapping subarrays of maximum sum
- LEGO part assembler
- NP-Complete Minimum time for fixed sum of points
- String
- Remove duplicates in string
- Remove alternate duplicates in string
- Remove adjacent duplicates in string
- Remove consecutive duplicates in string
- Longest valid parentheses substring
- Parentheses checker
- In-place string rotator
- Backtracking String permutation
- KMP Algorithm Search for patterns in string
- DP Check interleaved string
- Minimum window substring
- IPv4 address regex matcher
- Functional Programming Credit card number Luhn check
- String to int converter
- Longest palindromic substring
- Binary Tree
- Plain Binary Tree implementation with linked nodes
- Pre-order Traversal
- Post-order Traversal
- Level-order Traversal
- Clone via pre-order traversal
- Serialization/de-serialization
- Plain Binary Search Tree implementation with linked nodes
- Parse a BST from its pre-order traversal
- Parse a BST from its post-order traversal
- Parse a BST from its level-order traversal
- Convert a BT to a BST with tree structure maintained
- Divide and Conquer Search range in BST
- Sum up greater keys with each node in BST
- Sum up greater keys for each node in BST
- Convert integer array to BST
- Convert integer linked list to BST
- All possible BSTs from 1 to N Catalan Numbers
- Convert BST to min heap
- Convert BT to doubly linked list
- Convert complete BST to conditional min heap where left sub-tree smaller than right sub-tree
- Binary tree mirror image
- Plain Binary Tree implementation with linked nodes
- Binary Heap
- Graph
- Plain Directed Graph implementation with adjacency list
- Breadth First Search
- Depth First Search
- Linear paths from source to destination
- Plain Directed Graph implementation with adjacency list
- Backtracking Technique