Objective: Apply Optical Character Recogntion, Named Entity Detection, Object Detection and Caption Generation on Big datasets
This project is partitioned into three parts:-
- Extracting data from scanned PDF files using OCR techniques
- Crawling and scraping ufostalker.com to get images and data; apply Object detection and captioning techniques to these images
- Apply NER techniques on data/sighting descriptions to extract different named entitites
Note: This project is built over the first one here
The dataset built from the first project is called v1 ufo dataset and the dataset generated from this project is called v2 ufo dataset.
- ImageMagick (convert scanned pdf to .tiff files)
- Ghostscript (convert scanned pdf to .tiff files)
- Poppler (to separate a pdf with multiple pages into single page pdfs)
- Tesseract (for OCR from .tiff files)
- Tika Dockers
- TikaAndVission
- Tika Image Captioning
- Selenium (for scrapper/crawler)
- OpenNLP
- CoreNLP
- Grobid
$> bash separate-pdf.sh /path/to/directory/with/pdf/files
$> bash pdftotext.ssh /path/to/directory/with/folders/for/pdf/files
$> bash extract-text.sh inputfile
$> bash extract_text.sh /path/to/directory/with/pdf/files output-directory language
$> bash ocr-pipeline.sh /path/to/directory/with/pdf/files
$> bash extract-ocr-final.py inputfile outputfile
$> python3 clean_ocr.py inputfile outputfile
$> python3 pythonParser2.py inputfile outputfile #text parser for british ufo and NER
$> python3 parser3.py inputfile outputfile #text parser for ufostalker and NER
$> python3 filter-relevant-images.py
$> python3 get_images.py <file_containing_image_links> <output_dir>
$> python objects.py <input_dir>
$> python scraper.py <output_file>
$> python3 ufo_stalker_json.py
$> python3 version2.2-ufo.py objects-input-file data-inputfile outputfile
$> java ObjectRecognitionParser.java (with Tika)
$> python check_extensions.py <input_file> <output_file>
$> python CoreNLP.py /path/to/dataset /path/to/ouputs
$> python OpenNLP.py /path/to/dataset /path/to/ouputs
$> python MITIE.py /path/to/dataset /path/to/ouputs
$> nltk-server -v --port 8881
$> python NLTK.py /path/to/dataset /path/to/ouputs
$> mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true jetty:run-war
$> python Grobid.py /path/to/dataset /path/to/ouputs
$> python integrate_datasets.py /path/to/v1 /path/to/CoreNLP_results /path/to/OpenNLP_results /path/to/NLTK_results /path/to/MITIE_results /path/to/Grobid_results /path/to/outputs
$> python retrain.py --image-dir $dir_of_training_img
$> python3 merge.py v1withNER-datasetfile britishUFO- datasetfile ufostalker-datasetfile outputfile(v2.json)
$> python3 jsonToTEV.py inputJSONfile outputTSVfile
Refer to this document for inferences from this project.